Lipstick Lover - Bucky

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You walked around the mall with Bucky, his hand was clinged onto your tiny one and he swayed both of your arms togethers.

"Sephora!!" You squealed.

"You already have a lot of m-" you cut him off by dragging him to the store. He sighed and let you look at the wide selection of makeup products.

"Fenty~" you cheered.

"I need new perfume" he told you and you nodded.

"I'll go look at lipsticks, okay? Call me when you finish" you told him.

Bucky nodded in response and you both go your own way, there were so many reds, pinks, nudes, glosses. Bucky said he likes reds on you, so you decided to try the red ones first. You took the tester and swabbed once with both lipsticks and compared them.

"Hii" Bucky back hugs you.

"Which one is better?" you asked as you show him two almost identical ones.

"Err..." he struggled to tell the two colours.

"I'll get this one" you took it.

"Okay" he laid his chin on your shoulder.

"Give me your arm" you took another colour.

Bucky obediently gave you his arm and you swabbed the colour and blended it into his skin. He watches as you pick out other lipsticks and tried it using his arm, his heart was beating so fast, he was so in love with you.

"This is nicer...? Or this" you looked at him and realized that he has been looking at you for a long time already. Without warning he gives you a quick kiss that makes you smile.

"Anything looks good on you babe" he told you.

"But I want your opinion, I'm wearing all these for you" you chuckled. He puts an arm around you and gave you his arm again.

"Alright no browns and no nude pinks, they feel kind of chappy" Bucky shivered.

"Feel?!" you ask. He nodded.

"What do you mean feel? You mean look?" you question him as you tilt your head in confusion.

"No I meant, every time I kiss you the red feels better than those colours" he said while blushing.

You realized what he meant and laughed.

"You're the cutest thing" you squeezed his cheeks. Bucky chuckled and held your hand again.

"I'll buy these two reds then" you show him the ones you swabbed on the tester earlier.

Bucky nodded and went with you to the cashier; he was one step ahead and paid for you. The both of you walked to the car and drove home.

"Thank you, James," you kiss his cheek.

"Try them on I wanna try kissing them" he said while sitting on the bed.

You nodded and went into the bathroom with the products, changing out of your dress you put on an oversized t-short on and tied your hair into a messy bun. You took a long time to try and put one on, you came back out and Bucky was asleep, you smiled and went towards him on the bed. Climbing onto of him Bucky hugged your waist as a reflex, but he didn't wake up.

"Baby" you called him. He hummed and scratched his neck.

You leaned down and kissed him, his lips curl, and the lipstick transfer to his lips.

"Wake up" you pulled away and his eyes were still closed.

"5 minutes" he groaned.

You laughed and wiped off the lipstick from his lips, you watched him sleep before his lips curl up again wanting your kiss. You leaned down and gave him kisses with a smile.

"You're so cute" you squeeze his cheeks, and his lips pop up. He held your arm to prevent you from crushing his jaw.

"Mmh" he groaned.

You kissed him a few more times and trailed them down his neck, transferring the lipstick over, he lifted he head to give you more access, you left a hickey on his collarbone before going to the bathroom to remove the smeared lipstick. You took makeup wipes and wiped it off your lips, Bucky came into the bright bathroom, and he was covered with red lipstick.

"Hahahaha" you laughed at him.

He looked so sleepy, you went closer to him and wiped away the red lipstick. Bucky pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead while you cleaned his neck with a makeup wipe.

"Go shower and come cuddle" you leave the bathroom and close the door.

"Wait!" he opens the door again. You turned and went closer to him.

"Can we watch a movie later" he asked.

You nod your head and ruffle his hair making him smile before you walked away to go tidy up the room.

Marvel one-shotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang