🌟Rivalry Resolved - Tony

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Tony was your only real competitor, you were paired together for every mission and at the beginning of your journey as an avenger you thought you could have been friends, maybe even something more; but the more you got to know him, the more insufferable he became. Tony was one of those people that was naturally gifted, he didn't have to work hard to be praised for his work and it was vexing Tony was annoyingly handsome, but you managed to look past that whenever you went back and forth over something stupid. Natasha would always tease you over your feuds. She would only see Tony in passing but she would never fail to mention the 'tension' that she saw between you. You thought she was delusional, the weird thing was that this year, he was suddenly a changed person. He was oddly nice to you and honestly you liked the change although you initially thought it was a tactic of sorts. At least your energy that was spent hating him was going to be put to better use.

"I'll be at yours by 9," Nat told me.

You didn't want to go to the party anyway, but it was an Avengers party everybody on the team had to be there. It would have been wrong if you didn't go.

"You know who is gonna be there," she said and winked. You rolled your eyes and she smiled.

"Oh he's been so nice lately, it's weird," you told her, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Well at least he's not irritating you," she shrugged. She looked back down at her report and started scribbling something down.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," you sighed and began daydreaming.

Tony came to mind and thought about seeing him later on, you thought about what you were gonna wear so you could grab his attention.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late for training. I'll see you at nine," she said and hastily started packing her stuff up. You snapped out of your fantasy and your face went hot.

"See you later," you said and averted your attention to your laptop when she left.

It was only your first week back and it already felt like you had tons to do. You started your mission report when you heard the chair opposite you being pulled out. You instantly looked up and sighed at the sight in front of you.

"Good to see you, Y/n" Tony smiled and placed a cup of coffee on the table.

"Hi Tony," you simply responded and looked back down at your work.

You couldn't let him know that you were interested in him, especially since you wouldn't even admit it to yourself.

"How are you doing?" He asked and you sighed again.

"Look, Tony, I don't have time for small talk so if you could get to the point or leave, that would be appreciated," you told him, and he put his hands up like you were trying to shoot him.

You weren't lying right to his face; you loved the small talk.

"Alright then, I just wanted to officially apologize for the last two years. It's third year now and I think we should just be mature. No petty arguments. Let's just be friends. I even got you coffee." he spoke, and you raised an eyebrow.

"That's not poisoned, is it?" you asked and sat back in your seat.

He was right. You didn't have time for silly feuds anymore, you guys were Avengers. You had bigger fish to fry, not to mention you had these confusing feelings towards him that you didn't want to confront.

"No it's not poisonous," he simply said and smirked.

"We can be friends if that means you'll leave me alone now," you smiled and looked down at your work.

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