Hickeys Honey - Maria

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You were sitting in a cafe with Maria drinking coffee and eating pasta.

"Babe, remember those hickeys you gave me last night?" she scratches her chest.

You stopped all your actions and blushed.

"Erm... yeah why?" you took a bite of the pasta.

"Yeah, they fuckin hurts babe " she glares at you.

You ignored her and continued eating your pasta.

"Are you gonna ignore me again cause you are embarrassed?" she whined.

"I'm not embarrassed " you say with your mouth full of pasta.

"You sure? " She raised her eyebrows at you.

"I'm just... ashamed... " you swallowed your pasta.

"Y/n they mean the same thing " She explains.

"No they don't... they have different uhh spellings " you say shyly.

"You're the cutest baby~ " She cooed at you.

"I know right " you grin at her.

"Let's go for a walk after you finished" Maria continues to admire you eating delicious pasta.

"All done!! " You wiped your mouth and stand up.

Maria paid for both your meals and you both took a walk outside in windy New York City.

"Babe, you should give me more hickies, they feel nice on my body " she teases you.

"STOPP!!" You hit her playfully.

"Really babe, when I take off my shirt in training Nat and Wanda can stare at my hickey covered body " she teases you even more.

"I'm gonna be mad at you if you don't stop " you covered your ears.

"You know what babe? you should give me some right now! there's no one around" she says casually.

"MARIA HILL YOU ARE SO ANNOYING " you walked to the nearest bench and sit down.

she laughs hard then joins you on the bench clutching her stomach trying so hard not to fall over.

"I was joking y/n " she pulls you closer by your waist.

"Go away I'm angry at you" you pout and looked away.

"Baby give me a kiss" she purses her lips at you.

Ignoring her whilst observing the teddy bear shop nearby you could still hear her begging for a kiss, you decided to bribe her to get you a teddy bear.

"Come on babe one kiss" she taps your shoulder; you turned around to face her.

"I'll kiss you if you can buy me whatever I want in that shop" you pointed to the teddy bear shop.

"Wow... okay.... fine kiss first" she leans in you gave her a peck.

"Ok done NOW COME ON!!" You stood up and pulled her by her hand leading her towards the shop.

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