🌟Exes 2 - Bucky

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It had been just over a month since you and Bucky hooked up, you still hadn't called him, reason being you were busy. Well to be honest you had cold feet. You weren't ready to restart getting to know him, yet and he probably felt the same way. You and Liza were getting ready for a little agent reunion, you couldn't wait for everyone to see how well you were doing, the best part about all this was that Bucky wasn't gonna be there, you hadn't seen him on the Facebook group, so it was green flags all around.

"I don't really wanna be there for long, Y/n." My best friend, Liza spoke causing you to laughed, you were in the same boat.

"Don't worry, I'm planning to leave before nine." You smiled and she seemed content with that time.

"But we're gonna be late so hurry" you rushed her.

You hated being late.

"Alright I'm almost done" she said and brushed you away so she could finish her makeup.

When you arrived at the hotel where the reunion was taking place, you saw a familiar figure, but you didn't think twice about it. You were surrounded by people you had spent your adolescence with, of course you were bound to see familiar figures. Liza and you walked inside and found your seats, you were a little late, so most guests were already there. It was nice to see these people; it had been years since the last time we were in the same place. Liza was catching up with her friend from her unit when you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Walking out of the hotel ballroom you past the elevators to the bathroom, before you got to the bathroom, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You were stunned to see Bucky standing in front of you. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at him.

"Bucky?" you awkwardly said as you looked at everything but him.

"How are you?" you asked sincerely but you knew he was upset.

You practically ghosted him for a month and now you were asking how he was.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Y/n-" he scoffed, and you cut him off.

"Bucky can we not do this here?" you quickly spoke and looked away from him again.

"No we're gonna talk now. And if you're not ready to talk then I'll just say what I have to say." Bucky was firm and adamant.

You had already messed with his feelings, the least you could do was hear him out.

"Y/n when we spent that night together, I thought we were gonna be in a better place than where we left things off." He was already making you feel more regret than you thought was imaginable.

"Why would you tell me you were gonna call if you knew you weren't?" He asked, you still couldn't look at him.

"I didn't do this on purpose Bucky," you started but you were getting overwhelmed.

"I just wasn't ready to jump back into things. If that means we are 100% over and you never want to see me again, I understand but I'm sorry. Seriously sorry" you spoke and looked up at him.

Slightly teary eyed and your breath was trembling, he stepped closer to you and pulled you in for a hug. It felt like home, Bucky exhaled heavily and held you tight. Seeing him made you realise the mistake you had made; you didn't want to let him go, you couldn't.

"Y/n, I'm not ready to see you go again. I really thought I drove you away for real this time" you felt the vibrations of his voice from his chest and smiled to yourself.

"I don't want to let you go. Not yet at least" you joked, and a tear rolled down your face.

You sniffed quietly as he laughed at your joke, and he pulled away to look at you.

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