Hook Up - Maria

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You and your team were cleaning up and getting ready to head home, Maria your Wife had a mission in Tokyo right now when you first started Maria asked you to meet her in her bedroom, she told you many naughty things and you both had a wild night today Nick Fury asked you to take care of her as he told you what happened. You immediately run to the med bay to see how bad her injuries are as you arrive you see an injured and exhausted Maria trying to clean her wound. As you went towards her making Maria lift her head in the progress eyes widening at you glaring at her she looks around the room to escape you walk closer and tilted her chin upwards, you grabbed your medical equipment and apply it on her injuries.

"What can I do for you to kiss me right now" she asked you looked up at her and gave her a look.

"sorry" she apologizes you nodded and went back to cleaning her wounds.

"Alright, now are you ready to tell me what happened? And why you didn't come to me when you arrived knowing you were injured?" You softly said to her, making her sigh at you comment.

"I got bad intel from someone, saying that the hydra base was empty an easy file snatch and grab. But as soon as I entered guns were firing from every angle, but I made it to the computer room in one piece " she smiles at that, but that smile drops off her face as you glare at her.

"Sorry, but as I was making my escape with the files some dickhead stabbed me and everything" Maria stated while looking down at you joined hands.

"You're on bed rest for a few days to heal, and don't look at me like that Maria if you move wrong or get stabbed, shot in the same place you won't be able to walk again" you sternly warn her making her groan in distaste.

"Doctor's orders love" you quickly say as she was about to protest.

A two days later you guys are back in the Med Bay because she ignored you order's about training and everything, Maria sits there with her head down not wanting to see your disappointment. As you finish wrapping her up you headed towards your computer and sent Maria's medical leave note to Nick. Maria has been off edge lately feeling all this sexual tension she groans at the thought of you not having any fun with because of a stupid injury.

"Baby, I need your touch really badly " she grabs your arms.

"What are you doing?! " You pull away from her now Maria was pissed even more because of, how bad her mission went and because she kept thinking about last night and your ignorance and disobedience.

"I can't tolerate this you know. " She asked you looked up at her and there was desperation in her eyes you rolled your eyes and shut the curtains to your station, only you and Maria were inside, and the rest of the crew were blocked off she immediately pulled you closer and hugged you tight, feeling you and tilting your head up to kiss you.

"You're so needy " you hit her arm she smirks and pulled you into a kiss again, it reminded you of last night where you both had the fourth round in the shower it was the same kiss and it made you horny again you let out soft moans as the walls of your vagina started to hurt, craving her inside of you.

"Y/N are you there I need help on something" Bruce yelled, you pulled away, but Maria pulls you in again your hands sneak to her tickly side and tickled her, causing her to burst out in laughter as she fell to the ground laughing and clutching her stomach,

"Works every time" you smiled to yourself before proceeding to your work you helped him take off her top fully and she guides your hand to trail her abs.

"You like it right? I'll work out for you " she grins.

you looked at her and removed your hand before you get out of control, recleaning her wounds she stood near you as she used her thumb to wipe away the lipstick that was smeared around your lips, she also squished your cheeks and played with them while you retouched her bandages you grabbed her top and helped her put it back on and carried her off to bed.

"Good luck " you tell him she smiled at you, with a winked youclose the bedroom door before walking out to find your brother, you definitelyhelped boost her mood up seeing her sleep with a small smile on her face afterhelping Bruce out you went upstairs to lay with your wife you smiled toyourself before remembering the pretty words, she said to you this morning.

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