Fucking Heart Attack - Tony

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"Y/n we're having a party tonight you gonna be there?" Nat asked as you focused on your work.

"Yeah" you mumbled as she walked up and waved her hand in front of your face, you snapped back to reality.

"W-What? Oh Nat I didn't see you come in" you said as Nat rolled her eyes.

"We are having a party; will you be there?" She asked.

"I'll come up for a drink at some point" you said before getting back to your work. Nat made her way back up to the team.

"She said she would come up for a drink at some point" Nat said as tony groaned.

"I swear she's never not working" he mumbled as Steve elbowed him.

"You're one to talk" Steve said.

"Yeah, but I'll never pass up the chance to party!" he said in defence as they chuckled.


The party began, everyone started enjoying themselves more as the night went on. Every time the elevator would ding Tony would look up in hopes that it was you, but it never was. You were down in the lab still working, muttering to yourself as you worked on a new suit for Tony. It was a big surprise for his birthday and needed to perfect it.

"Tony stop watching the elevator, she isn't gonna come" Nat said as he sighed.

"I know I know" he groaned.

He soon lost himself on conversation and booze, it was cut short by people gasping and some screaming. The Avengers jumped into action and saw Bucky walk up to them covered in blood.

"S-Steve" Bucky mumbled.

"I killed someone" He said with his eyes numb and wide.

"Who did you kill?" Tony asked as a million scenarios passed through his head.

"Bucky who did you kill!?" Tony shouted as Nat pulled him away.

"Tony calm down. You'll make it worse" Nat said.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked.

"In the lab" she said before he ran into the elevator, he reached the lab and ran in to see it covered in blood, his face pale as he covered his mouth.

"N-No" he whispered.

"Y/N!" he shouted as he looked around the room, he slid down the wall as he held his head in his hands.

"No, no, no" he muttered as he felt tears come to his eyes.

"Tony?" you asked as he looked up to you, he jumped up and hugged you tightly.

"What's wrong?" you asked as you hugged him back.

"I thought you died! B-Bucky killed someone, t-then I saw all of this blood! Oh my god Y/n" he said as he held you even tighter.

"Bucky killed someone? And this is just red paint, sorry I scared you so much" you said as he pulled away from you.

"I was so scared I had lost you" he said.

"It's ok Tony. I'm right here" you replied, he broke down as he hugged you again.

"Hey, it's alright" you said as you hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, I really thought I'd lost you" he cried.

"Wow I didn't think you cared that much Tony" you said, he pulled away again and held your cheek.

"Y/n I love you" he whispered as your eyes widened.

"I u-um w-what?" you said, he leaned in and kissed you, You were shocked at first but quickly melted into the kiss.

"Is everyone ok?" you asked as he nodded. You placed your hand on his cheek as you smiled.

"Deep breaths, I'm right here" you whispered before kissing him again.

"I-I love you too" you whispered, he looked up and you groaned.

"Dammit, it was meant to be a surprise." You grumbled as he walked over and ran his hand over the new suit.

"Y/n this is amazing. You did this for me?" he asked, and you smiled.

"Y-Yeah, it was meant to be for your birthday. But surprise I guess" you chuckled awkwardly. He stood in front of you and held your cheek again.

"I don't blame you for falling for me. I mean look at me" He said cockily as you punched him lightly on the chest.

"Shut it roboman" you said as he chuckled, he leant down and kissed you again. You couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arms around you again.

"Don't fucking scare me like that again".

Marvel one-shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin