The Park - Bobbi

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dedicated to @Cheesecakegodd

You just got done organizing your room in your small apartment, it had an open kitchen with a living room and a small bathroom connected. The window pattered roughly with the sound of rain, it was getting a little late and you were dog tired. You looked at your phone to check the time, you got distracted by Instagram for a while until you got a call. That made you jolt for a few reasons, one; it was someone who you hadn't talked to in a long time due to personal issues, and two; it was your crush. You stared at the notification that Bobbi was calling you, answering the call you put the phone to your ear.


"H... hey, y/n?", she sounded anxious and upset.

"Hey, Bobbi, are you alright?"

", I... got into a fight with my roommate so I left for the park, and I heard someone say something and there was a man... and he... started yelling at me." she was crying, and her breathing was sporadic.

"Alright, I know this will be hard but try to calm down for me, okay? Where are you?" Her speaking got slower and calmer, and she told you where she was. She was at a park not terribly far from my apartment.

"Also, y/n, I was trying to run to the park, and I cut my leg on something and it's bleeding. I can't really see and it's dark." You told her that you'll be on the way and immediately hung up the phone to grabbing your keys.

After what seemed like hours of driving, even though the place was only 10-15 minutes away, you anxiously got out of the car and glanced around the dark for the outline of somebody familiar, you grabbed your phone and dialled her number.

"Hey, Bobbi I'm here. Do you see my car? The headlights are on. Stay on the phone until you find me, okay?"

"O... okay."

"Do you see my headlights?"

"Um, I don't know. I see a car, but I don't know if it's yours or his." The rain was tapping on your windows harder.

Bobb was probably freezing. You flashed your headlights so Bobbi could tell it was you.

"Was that you?"

"Yes, it's me." At this point you saw a figure in the dark and as it got closer, you quickly realize it was Bobbi.

You unlocked the doors and opened the passenger side door for her and turned the heat up so she could dry off. As Bobbi approached the car you saw that she had a duffle bag, opening the door for her she immediately got in slamming the door close in the process.

"Are you alright?" you asked already knowing the answer but thought it would make for a useful strategy to calm her down.

"No, I'm freezing... and... -". Her breath got more sporadic, and you noticed she was shivering.

"I'll take you to my place, okay? There we can talk." you put the car in Drive and drove as quickly as you could home.

When you got to the apartment, you immediately got out of the car to let Bobbi out. You grabbed her bag and gently pulled on her wrist to let her inside, you led Bobbi to the couch and had her sit down. Bobbi was shaking every time she took a breath, you noticed the cut she was talking about as she sat down, it was bleeding and it was a long scratch, but it looked like a cat scratch at most.

"Here." You said as you took a washcloth from your bathroom and gave it to Bobbi.

"Put this on your cut. I'll get you some warm new clothes from your duffle bag, okay? Then we can talk." She nodded her head and put the cloth on her mild laceration to absorb the blood and stop the bleeding.

You grabbed her bag and started sifting through it for pyjama-like clothes, once you found some, you laid them out in front of her.

"Are you good to dress yourself or do you want me to?"

"...Can you do it please? I think I'm shivering too much, and I can't think properly." Your eyes scanned her demeanour and you walked toward her to help her out of her clothes.

You carefully raised her shirt up over her head but as you did this, Bobbi flinched and quivered.

"Bobbi, you're alright. I'll do this fast. And then you'll be much more comfortable." Bobbi let you pull the rest of her shirt off.

"Can I take your bra off or would that make you too uncomfortable?" All Bobbi did was nod and you saw her body move as her breath became more anxious.

"I won't do anything I don't have to okay; I won't look." you grabbed the pyjama shirt that was sitting on your coffee table and reached behind her with your head over her shoulder so all you could see was her back.

You unclipped her bra and positioned the shirt over her head until she was covered.

"I'm assuming your other half is the same deal?" you look at her for confirmation.

"Yes" you grabbed the pants and underwear that you put down on the table and this time gestured Bobbi to stand up so you could do this as necessarily as possible.

You took off Bobbi's pants and underwear while doing the same technique as before, although it was a bit difficult. Eventually, you got the clothes on and took off her wet shoes and socks.

"Okay, lay down on the couch Bobbi. I'll get you a blanket." you left the room for a moment to go get the warmest, softest, blanket you owned and some band-aids, returning you heard Bobbi crying.

You immediately went to her and draped the blanket around her back.

"Sweetheart, you're okay now, you're safe." you then applied the band-aids to Bobbi's wound and got rid of the washcloth.

"I'm sorry".

"You're not doing anything wrong. You've had a night." you positioned the two of you in an embrace and scratched her head for a few moments.

"Do you want to talk?"

"Maybe for a little..."

"Okay, tell me what happened with your roommate." She shuffled into a more comfortable position draped in the blanket.

"Well, she basically was extremely tired, so her emotions were acting up. She started to insult me and tell me that I was a terrible person for not doing one thing she asked me to do, which was take out the trash. But the problem was it spiralled into a much worse situation when I tried to reason with her so then I just decided I would leave and go to the park to clear my thoughts".

"But you weren't planning on going back to your apartment, were you? At least not tonight?"

"Well, no because it was just too much. I was originally probably going to just sleep in my car, but then I saw that man... and.." Her eyes began to water and her lip quivered.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me everything." Bobbi hung her head in her hands, and you could hear her.

"Bobbi, don't cry, I'm here." you got on the couch and put yourself under her body readjusting her so that she could lay on you while you coaxed her into a cuddle.

"I'm here" Through stifled breaths you could hear Bobbi say something that caught you off guard.

"I love you."


"You were the only one who picked up. Thank you for being here. I've actually missed you more than you know".

"Oh... I love you too, Bobbi" You kissed Bobbi on the forehead and let your fingers nestle through her hair for the rest of the night, you stayed up to make sure she was okay throughout the night.

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