🌟Taming the Captain - Steve

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Y/n's Pov"

You love him. But he's self-righteous.

"Y/N!" you rolled your eyes at his voice.

You and the Avengers had just finished taking down another hydra base and Steve being the stuck righteous golden boy, is ripping you a new one for apparently not being aware of your surroundings and not seeing an enemy behind you.

You walk away not wanting to argue with him, at that moment all you wanted to do is shower and go to bed before going to do your report, but Steve wouldn't let this go and kept following and pushing you to do better. Slowly you turn around and give your infamous murderous glare to the righteous captain, unbeknownst to the two of you the team was worried about how this was affecting the team and came up with a plan to hopefully get one of you to admit your feelings to each other.

Nat and Bucky step in before you and Steve could be at each other's neck, Nat convinced you to go take a shower and relax while the rest of them deal with Steve.

Steve's Pov"

I love her. But she's reckless.

When I saw that hydra agent behind her I was scared and pissed. Scared that she could've died that easily pissed because of how reckless she is with her life but damn she looked so good in that outfit, but I couldn't hold in my anger "Y/N!" I watched as she just ignores me and heads towards the elevator probably for a shower and a small rest before starting her mission report.

I have no idea why, but I just followed her continuing to push her to do better because I can't lose her, I love her too much. During the middle of my scolding she turns around slowly giving me her infamous murderous glare, she was about to say something when Nat and Bucky stepped in and dragged us away from each other.


Y/n's Pov:

After relaxing you decided to start your report otherwise it would just start piling up, entering the office you see that you have the place to yourself a small smile appears on your face at the thought of doing your work in peace. 3 ½ hours into your report you decided to take a small snack break heading to the kitchen you make yourself a sandwich, on your way back up you paused outside the office as you heard the video playing which is weird as you knew you had paused it. Entering the office you see Steve reading your report with furrowed eyebrows whilst watching your mission video, "oh for fuck sake" you muttered but of course he heard you as his head shot up with a small glare in your direction you mentally curse at his bloody super hearing.

"Language Y/n" Steve grumbled; you rolled your eyes at his comment.

"What do you want captain" you seethe glaring at him you see his eyes darken with lust, but you believe he's just angry like usual.

"This is wrong I know becau-" Steve started to say.

"Yeah, because you know everything don't you Steve!" you screamed at him, unbeknownst to the two of you the team got FRIDAY to lock the door quietly. Steve kept quiet as he never heard you scream before so you continued "you're so righteous aren't you America's golden boy not everyone is like you or Bucky we're not SUPER SOLDIERS STEVE!"

"I know Y/n I'm just saying that you need to be more aware of your surroundings because I can't lose y/n" you roll eyes tutting while walking away from him.

"You never baby Peter when he joined the team it's always me I've been on this team since Loki attacked New York, and I thought you babied me back then because I was a new and how young I was" You argued back

"Jesus Y/n it's because I love you!" Steve screamed.

"Well you should learn to control your temper and see that I love you!" you snapped without realising what he just admitted, you realized your folly as you watched his eyes grow darker.

He slowly backed you into the wall. "You were saying? " Steve whispered, his lips inches away from your own.

"I-", he crashed his lips into yours. you were startled at first, but soon got over your moment of surprise you tried to keep up with his pace, he pinned your hands above your head and pushed himself against you. Even through the layer of clothes you could feel his member pulsating with desire, as he trailed a bunch of feathery kisses down your neck making you moan.

"Stev- AH" you start to moan but gets cut off from Steve spanking you.

"it's captain to you sweetheart" Steve responds huskily, making your pussy gush with need Steve stopped what he was doing and sniffed the air his eyes darkening even more. Steve began to unbutton your shirt, exposing your bra he slid down your skirt leaving you in your underclothes.

He kissed your shoulders as he rubbed your back gently. He kissed your cleavage and made you gasp as he licked your navel deeply. you arched your back in pleasure as his hands slid down to grab your ass. He then stood up and spun you around. With your breasts pushed against the wall, he spanked your ass. He then unclipped your bra and walked you to his chair. He made you sit on his knee and massaged your breasts.


"Ride my knee baby", he whispered. And boy did you ride it a wave of relief flooded you as you rode your release, he then lifted you and undressed before you. Your breath quickened as your gaze fell on his huge member, he then ripped your dripping wet panties off and lifted you, pinning you against the wall again. He grunts as he pushes his hardness into you. It stretched your walls and made you arch your back in painful pleasure he pulled out and thrust yet again.

He kept repeating this motion as you screamed and moaned "CAPTAIN!" in wild pleasure, digging your nails into his shoulders. With one final thrust, we came together. He slowly moved the both of you to the chair and he looked into your eyes before flicking to your lips than back to your eyes, before kissing you deeply making you moan again.

Feeling cheeky you commented, "If I had known this is what I'd get for snapping at you, I would have done it sooner. " He chuckled in response.

"Y/n I know it's a bit late to ask you this, but do you want to be my girlfriend?" Steve asked shyly with a faint blush coating his cheeks.

"Yes!" you scream in joy kissing him out of happiness, you felt his member harden whilst inside of you let's just say it was a long night.

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