🌟Forgiveness - May

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You and May have been in a fight for three days now, she barely talks to you and when she does it's usually short responses. You haven't even touched each other, it all started when you came home from your classes, and you were really tired but also grumpy. May was angry because you had left a mess of the house and she started yelling at you, you argued back, and you got into a fight.

You guys were supposed to go to a party together but after the fight you ended up going alone, you got really drunk and when you came home you had a hickey on your neck. May was pissed and all you can remember is waking up the next morning up the next morning with her already having left for training.

You don't remember the party at all, let alone how you got the hickey you've been trying to make it up to May, but you just don't know how. But you think you finally have an idea; you've decided to take her on an all-day date. First, you'll take her shopping, then take her to her favourite restaurant to eat, then drive her to a cabin you've rented for the weekend to stay in.

May always talked about wanting to take me hiking, tomorrow May doesn't have any task and you only have two morning classes. So your plan is to leave a note telling May to what to pack and make a bubble bath so it will be ready for her when she wakes up, then you'll come home with some lunch.

You were lying in bed, and you watched May come in the bedroom, you watch her walk over and sit on the bed, she doesn't even look at you. May lays down and covers up facing away from you on the other side of the bed. You miss her. You miss her touch. Hopefully, tomorrow will make this all better.

May's Pov:

I woke up and looked over and it looks like Y/n has already left for her morning classes. I wish she would just apologise, and we could move past this, I turn back around and see a piece of paper on the nightstand, I pick it up and it reads.

'Hey baby! I know you're angry as you should be. I was a bitch, and I should have never gone to that party without you, I want to make-up with you. I want to make things better. I miss you. I'm sorry about everything and I'm sorry about the mess I left, I'm sorry about fighting with you. I'm sorry about going to that party without you, I'm sorry about getting that hickey, and I'm sorry I took so long to apologise. I'm not just apologising because I want you to forgive me, I'm apologising because I truly mean it. If it's okay with you I want to take you on a date. If you're interested go ahead and pack clothes for a weekend nature trip: (Hint: There may be hiking involved so pack accordingly lol) and when you're ready there's a bath waiting for you, hopefully the water will still be warm when you wake up. I will be bringing lunch home for you after my classes. I love you!


I start to feel tears forming, she really does care I let the tears fall on my cheeks and I smile. I love her so much. I get up and look in the bathroom and sure enough, there's a bubble bath waiting for me. I strip my clothes and get in, burning hot, just how I like it she remembered. I lay down and let the water surround me, it feels so good that I start to drift off... I wake up to the bathroom door opening, it's Y/n. She walks in and shuts the door behind her.

"Umm hi" Y/n says.

"Hey, did you get lunch?" I asked.

"Yes, I did".

Something about Y/n staring at my naked body made me really turned on, the bath suddenly felt spacious without her in it with me.

"Do you like the bath" she asks nervously.

"I love it".

"That's good" Yn says with a small smile gracing her lips.

Fuck I wish she would just get in here with me.

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