Ugly Dog - Kate

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Meeting Kate was the best but weirdest day of your life, bumping into each other outside a pizzeria, both spilling your drinks on one another's clothes. Apologizing to each other until you guys both started rambling until Yelena smacked the back of her head making Clint and Nat groan in disapproval. Exchanging numbers you guys have been inseparable ever since soon you got to meet her dog lucky who she won't stop glaring at as of right now.

"Stop hugging that rat."

You watch as she huffs sitting on the couch across from you throwing one leg over the other.

"Rat?? It's a dog!" You look down at Lucky who is sitting on your lap rubbing it's face against your hand.

"No, it's a rat look at it" Kate's eyes shoot daggers at the cute dog as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"You know this is your dog, right? I don't think parents should be talking about their kids like that" you laugh giving lucky a big hug as his tail starts wavering around.

"Well do you want to be it's mother?" you look over to Kate for a second admiring the big smile on her face.

"Be quiet I love this dog more than you and I only met it twice" you almost burst out laughing when you hear a big sigh and a hurt look on her face.

"Excuse me! You can't love that rat dog more than me!" you squint your eyes at her as I give lucky belly scratches with a small smirk on my face.

"Oh I do, and I will run away with him" Kate lays back on the couch still with her hurt look on her face, except she was basically pouting now.

"Whatever that dog loves me more than you anyway" you burst out laughing, standing up walking over to her with lucky following close behind.

"No get away from me, I will be telling your cat you're loving other peoples pets" she pushes your leg when you stand infront of her only makes me smile more.

"Noo, I love them equally" you say as you let lucky go outside to play probably running to his food bowl.

Straddling the pouting girl infront of you uncrossing her arms before pressing her lips with your lips. The one thing about Kate is she tenders to start rambling if you don't start showing her any attention, both of you never kept secrets from each other.

"Stop that pouting, no need to get jealous over the dog hmm" you smiled into her neck as her arms wrapped around your waist resting her head on your shoulder.

"I'm hungry" you mumble taking in her scent, damn she smells so nice... your so glad she gave you her hoodie you had hoped that you smell like her.

"I think I have something in the fridge, should we go take a look?" you lift your head a little looking at her face with closed eyes and a calm face, you smirk a little bit as you pull on the waistband of her sweatpants.

"Why don't we take a look in here?" her eyes widen as she sits herself up straight.

You burst out laughing seeing a confused look on her face that was slightly flustered. It was so easy to make her flustered you found it adorable so you tease her whenever you can.

"I'm just joking come on let's go see what you have" you stand up holding your hand out, she takes your hand shaking her head.

"you're not funny" Kate grumbles.

"Why are you smiling then?" you snap your head towards watching her smile drop trying to have a serious face.

"What? Whose smiling?" Kate looks around with furrowed eyebrows.

You scoff entering the kitchen feeling soft fur at my legs looking down seeing lucky making a smile appear on my face.

"Aww look who it is. You're so cuteee" you let go of her hand hugging the dog infront of me.

"Oh. It's a rat" you smack her thigh watching her whine leaning herself against the white counter.

"Ughhh" she lays her face on the cold counter with a scrunched-up face, letting lucky go free.

"Hurry up, c'mon let's cook some five-star review food" you say as you slapped her ass, opening the fridge to see what goods she had.

"let's just have some pancakes it's only 8."

You roll your eyes looking outside to the beautiful sky outside, this gives me an idea...

"Let's have a picnic later, I'll prepare some food and you go find some things to bring outside."

Kate still stays bent over the counter, her arms spread out with closed eyes, you turn over and kick her butt. Watching her stand up straight with pouty lips.

"Sleep on the couch if you're tired and I'll wake you up when we go outside" she shakes her head walking away.

"No, No I'll just get the stuff and wait on the porch outside" you smile looking back to the fridge only getting out the things I need to prepare small dishes.

"10 more minutes" we sit under the tree of her backyard, her head in your lap sleeping, you watch her dog run around in the sun finding sticks for you to throw.

"Only five, or I will leave you here and the bugs will come and eat you" she grunts snuggling up against your stomach opening her eyes a little bit to look up at you.

"You wouldn't" squeezing her eyes shut again.

You don't answer, instead your admiring her beautiful face. Your hands get tangled on her soft hair giving a massage on her scalp hearing a hum. You use your other hand to rub her back as a small smile forms on your face.

"you're such a baby" Lucky runs to you with a big stick in his mouth dropping it infront of you before running off to find more.

"See this stick I will hit you with it" you pick the stick up waving it around before dropping it again.

Kate huffs sitting up while packing some things up, you smile finally being able to move you nub legs, whatever. It was worth it; you start folding the blanket waiting as she whistles catching the dogs attention. Watching as it runs towards her, seeing her already crouching rubbing his head as his tongue is trying to lick Kate's face.


You sit on the bed watching Kate's chest slowly rise up before falling back down again, the moon peaks through the curtains, shining over her face slightly. You get comfy in bed laying your head over her chest, your legs tangling with each other.

"Always sleeping..." you mumble a yawn escaping your mouth.

You close your eyesshut with a smile on your face, falling asleep to your favourite heartbeatagainst your ear... hers.

Marvel one-shotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora