Chapter 100 - Holy Shit...

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John's POV

I sighed as I paced the length of the garden again with my phone in my hand when I saw Jim walk out of the mansion, I frowned as he seemed to look a little annoyed.

I opened my mouth as he sighed, "So I tried to speak to Polaris" he explained.

I nodded, "she said that she would be back once they have found Kol" he explained.

I frowned, "found Kol?" I asked.

Rufus walked out of the mansion and sighed, "Sam came back earlier saying that Kol was not answering the phone" he explained.

I nodded, "but instead of saying okay like I thought they would" he said.

I sighed, "they panicked" I asked.

They both nodded as I sighed, "do we know why?" I asked.

Jim shook his head as Rufus sighed, "they think it has something to do with the idiots wanting to hurt them" he explained.

I nodded as I opened my mouth to speak when I heard my phone ringing again, I looked down and noticed that it was Robert again and I rolled my eyes as this man was really forward for a change.

Jim grinned as he walked over to me, "you know he is going to keep on phoning until you answer" he said.

I looked at him and smirked, "I don't have anything more to say to the man Jim" I said.

They frowned, "he has made his opinions clear about my daughter and how he feels and I cannot and will not get past that" I explained.

They both smiled, "We know that" Jim said.

I nodded as Rufus walked over to me, "I think you might have to meet John, see what is going on because this might have something to do with Kol and the others" he said.

I looked at him as frowned as Jim coughed, "Lil and Niklaus knew they were going to come and speak to them" he explained.

I frowned, "she did explain that she wasn't expecting it to be Bobby to come, but she knew this would happen" he explained.

I laughed, "so she was waiting for this phone call?" I asked, holding my phone up.

Jim and Rufus both nodded as I sighed, "fine" I said.

They nodded, "but only because I want to know what the hell is going on and she will not speak to me for some reason she is worried about" I said.

They both laughed as I walked back into the mansion and noticed that Sam was sitting on the chair looking at the ceiling, "you okay son?" I asked.

Sam looked at me and frowned, "what's going on?" he asked.

I frowned as he laughed, "you have your i'm going to kill your sister look on your face" he said.

Jim and Rufus both laughed as I rolled my eyes, "well it seems like your sister was expecting one of their little team to call" I explained.

He nodded, "so what are we going to do then?" he asked.

I sighed, "no idea, but we are going to get some answers from someone wanting to talk" I explained.

He nodded as he stood and walked over to me, "so where are we going?" he asked.

I opened my mouth as he smirked, "I am coming with you dad" he said.

I smiled as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "I'm proud of you Sammy" I said.

He looked at me as I grinned, "you are turning into a proper young gentleman and I couldn't have been any prouder of you for it" I explained.

He smirked, "I'm still coming with you," he said.

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