Chapter 22 - Broken Pt.1...

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He smirked as John walked over to us, "we don't care about the vampire or the witch side" he said.

I smirked as he turned to Nik, "I will tolerate you being that you are my daughters husband" he said.

I growled as he turned back to me, "but you are and always will be my little girl" he said.

I scoffed as he took my hand, "Polaris, I will spend the rest of my life showing you that you mean more to me than anything" he explained.

I turned to my father and sighed as he was chipping away and he was already forgiven, being that Mikeal was a worse father than my own.

"To do that you need to let me go, let me live my own life" I explained.

He sighed as he stepped back from me and looked worried, "does that mean I will never see you again?" he asked.

I opened my mouth as Sam frowned, "you don't want us around" he asked.

I looked at him and smiled, "I want to be able to live my own life Sam, I want to be able to be me and that means that John needs to release his grip on me" I said.

He frowned as John smiled, "most kids leave at 18 and live their own lifes" he said.

I nodded as he sighed and walked over to me, "this is what you want?" he asked.

I nodded as he smiled, "then we will back off" he explained.

I nodded as he smirked, "but we are staying in Mystic Falls" he said.

I sighed as Nik walked over to me, "why?" he asked.

John frowned as Dean smiled, "We promised Sam that he would be able to finish school here" he explained.

I nodded as Dean smirked, "and I intend to keep that promise" he explained.

I smiled as John nodded, "it's about time I put you and your brothers first" he said.

I snorted, "we'll see how long that will last" i said.

He sighed, "Polaris please" he said.

I snorted, "I am sure a hunt will turn up and you will take off, like always" I said.

He smiled, "I won't," he said.

I nodded as Nik linked his hand with mine, "we need to go home" he said.

I laughed as I turned to him, "you mean to Alaric's apartment, because that place is not home darling" I asked.

He smirked as he nodded, "I know love, but we have a problem we need to sort" he said.

I sighed as he was right and I nodded, "alright let's go darling" I said.

He grinned as I turned to the boys, "try not to get into trouble" I asked.

Dean smirked as Nik and I walked out of the motel room where I threw the keys to my husband, Nik smirked as I got into the car and he smiled, "feel better?" he asked.

I turned to him and sighed, "a little, but I know it won't last long" I explained.

He frowned, "why?" he asked.

I smirked, "we both know that John will convince them I need to be killed, that I am nothing more than something they hunt" I said.

He growled, "I would like to see him try" he snapped.

I laughed as Nik was right, being an original meant that myself, my husband and our siblings were immortal, the only thing that could kill us was an old white oak tree but we always burned them down when they appeared.

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