Chapter 88 - The Ball Pt.5...

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Niklaus's POV

I had let my wife get ready in our room as I knew what she was like, between the both of us she was the one that was more likely to keep walking in and out to be annoying.

I also knew that it was better that Lily get ready in the bedroom because that was where all her bits were.

I walked into my brother's room and frowned as I saw that he was currently entertaining Finn, John and Dean, "umm..." I said.

Elijah laughed as he turned to me, "they asked to get ready with us" he explained.

I nodded, "being that they have never done this before" he explained.

I frowned as I believed that they said that they wanted to get ready themselves.

Knowing that I wouldn't get an answer for the moment, I shrugged as Finn turned to me, "are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded, "of course" I said.

He sighed but nodded as I walked over to the empty chair and sat down as Dean turned to me, "I believe Bekah and Lil are getting ready together" he said.

I looked at him and smirked, "sisters tend to" I said.

He sighed but nodded as Elijah turned to me and grinned, "you figured out her colours yet?" he asked.

I laughed, "yeah blood red" I said.

Elijah whistled, "Wow, I really didn't think you would have got it" he said.

I frowned as Finn laughed, "You're an idiot when it comes to your wife Nik, you tend to be all puppy love around her" he admitted.

I rolled my eyes as John sighed, "also just to let you know" he said.

I looked at him as he sighed, "Jim and Rufus went to speak to Bobby about you and Lil" he explained.

I smirked, "we are aware" I said.

Finn rolled his eyes as John looked confused, "Were vampires John" I explained.

He nodded, "we can hear your conversations John and we heard as they said they were going to speak to him" I explained.

John sighed but nodded as I turned to Elijah, "so when are we expected to be at this stupid ball?" I asked.

Elijah smirked, "an hour, as we're greeting the guests" he explained.

I opened my mouth as Elijah pinned me with his older brother's look and I sighed but nodded, "fine but you're responsible for when they upset one of us" I muttered.

Elijah just rolled his eyes at me as I got up and went to grab my Tux from the side and placed it on the side.

Elijah smirked as he turned to John and Dean, "so where's Sam?" he asked.

John moaned, "with the Forbes girl" he muttered.

I kept the smirk to myself as Lil and I knew that he didn't approve of her and a part of me was grateful for it as well.

Being that it showed that he actually did care for me which was nice as father's were not a good thing for me.

I got up and sighed, "I'm grabbing the first shower" I muttered.

My brothers both nodded as I walked into the bathroom and closed the door and sighed as I looked at my reflection, "this is going to be a long night" I muttered.

I quickly got into the shower and washed myself off and used the body wash my wife loved and groaned as this was not what I wanted to be doing right now.

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