Chapter 70 - Plans are best laid out...

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John's POV

I followed Esther out of the room and into the room which I assumed was the room she was given.

I looked around and noticed that her eldest son was in here and he frowned as he saw me, "John" he said.

I nodded as Esther smiled and lit something on fire, I frowned as she turned to me and smiled, "Sage, it's to keep my other children from overhearing us" she explained.

I frowned as she sighed, "I asked you here because I have made a huge mistake John" she explained.

I opened my mouth as she carried on, "I would like you to help me in correcting it, if possible" she explained.

I frowned, "Mistake?" I asked.

She nodded, "When I created the original vampires back in 970 AD, it was because my youngest son was killed," she explained.

I nodded, "my husband begged me to turn the rest of our family into immortals, because he didn't want to lose anyone else" she explained.

I frowned as she looked down and I would admit she was good, to someone not knowing the signs of a liar, you would believe her.

But I knew she was lying to me, but something was telling me just to nod and go along with what she was saying for the moment.

Finn sighed as he turned to me, "I agree with my mother," he explained.

I frowned, "I do not like what this has turned my siblings and I into" he explained.

I turned to him, "you don't like what you are?" I asked.

He shook his head, "my siblings used to be sweet once upon a time" he explained.

I nodded, "but this life has turned them all into monsters John, trust me I know what I am going on about" he explained.

I opened my mouth as Esther looked at me, "my Elijah was the most noble of them all" she said as she smiled.

"he would make sure that his siblings were always doing the correct thing when they were with my husband as well as keeping Rebekah and Polaris in line due to being girls" she explained.

I kept my temper in check as she carried on, "My Rebekah and Kol were the most innocent children around" she said.

I nodded as she looked at me, "they were so child-like that I robbed them of their childhood" she said.

I frowned, "robbed of their childhood?" I asked.

She nodded, "of course" she said.

I nodded, "by creating and turning them into these original vampires, it turned them into monsters" she explained.

I sighed, "and as for my son Niklaus and his wife" she said.

I growled as she raised her hand, "I mean nothing by this John" she said.

I nodded, "but your daughter is as far gone as my son," she explained.

I scoffed as she stood up and looked at me, "she has killed for nothing, kidnapped children and blames all of her issues on other people" she explained.

I stood up as she smiled, "I just wish to correct the wrong I made all that time ago" she said.

I frowned, "how?" I asked.

She smiled, "I want to let them live out their human lives," she explained.

I looked at her and knew that she was lying to me, "human life?" I asked.

She nodded, "I just wish to take the vampiric side they were given away" she said.

I frowned at this as something was still telling me that she was lying, I knew I needed to get out of here first before I would be able to figure it out.

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