Chapter 2 - Who are you...

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I moaned as the portal that was opened behind me threw me to the ground and I opened my eyes noticing that I was somewhere cold and damp.

I looked around and noticed that it was dark and I could hardly see anything, meaning that I was nowhere near that abandoned warehouse.

I tried to move and growled as I had landed funny and sprained my ankle meaning that I would have trouble walking on it.

I was cold and had a wet ass from landing on the wet floor and that pissed me off.

Wanting nothing more but revenge on the bitch that did this to me, I tried to move again but my ankle was not having it. I heard someone behind me and frowned as I turned around grabbing the gun at the back of my pants.

Feeling that it wasn't there I growled as I quickly turned back to where I landed to see if it had fallen out.

Seeing nothing there meant that I had lost it and that annoyed me as it was a present from Dean.

I turned back around as a man moved towards me, "touch me and I scream rape" I said.

He frowned as he stopped and looked me up and down, "do you mind?" I asked.

He cocked his head to the side, "you are a strange young woman" he said.

I smirked as he sighed, "why are you half naked?" he asked.

I looked down to myself and laughed, "I'm not, these are clothes" I said.

He shook his head at me as I finally looked at him and noticed that he was dressed strangely for this time, "well you are a strangely dressed man for this time period" I explained.

He frowned, "what, the circus in town?" I asked.

He frowned as he turned around as he grabbed what looked like a sword and moved.

I watched as he stopped and turned back to me, "I can offer you a warm home and some food," he said.

Now it was my turn to be confused as this man was being nice to me and I couldn't understand why, I was just rude as anything and here he was offering me a home.

I thought back to how my father had raised my brothers and I, we had to be wary of everyone in the world.

He sighed as he now turned to me and had a worried look on his face, "look you are dressed a little bit too naked for my liking" he explained.

I frowned as he smiled, "and you look cold" he said.

I nodded as he pulled off the cloak that he was wearing and walked over to me and smiled, "it will keep you warm" he explained.

I smiled as I took this thing off him as he nodded, "please follow me" he asked.

I sighed as I knew there was nothing to get me out of this and I knew I needed to find other people to figure out where I was.

I nodded as I followed this man back to his home and kept the moan in from my ankle, I watched as he stopped as we came to a small looking village;

As I looked around I noticed that all the houses were made out of wood and looked to be quite small.

I noticed that there was a woman in the centre of the village that looked like they were cleaning and cooking.

As I looked around a little bit more I noticed that there were men and boys sword fighting and some children that were running around.

I looked back over to this man and frowned, "where are the concrete houses and the shops?" I asked.

He stopped as he turned to me, "Are you okay miss?, maybe you have hit your head?" he asked.

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