Chapter 30 - Rebekah Olivia Mikealson...

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Dean's POV

It had now been a month since she had left this town and Sam was doing really well with school, he had made friends which was nice to see.

And the best part was that he wasn't seen for being twin to Polaris for a little brother to me, he was just seen as Sam Winchester.

John had gotten a job at the local garage and he had also made some friends which at first made Bobby jealous.

It wasn't until Sam and I were sitting on the top of the stairs listening to the fight when Bobby confessed he was in love with our father.

Sam and I were shocked as we believed that they hated each other and he was only here for Polaris, but Dad had gone quiet making us worry about his reaction.

We went to move but Dad had chuckled and said it was about time he admitted his feelings for the man, Sammy and I had both smiled and quietly went back to our rooms.

Since getting the house Dad had been slowly making it a home and the biggest part was a photo I didn't know he had gotten, it was Polaris and Niklaus on their wedding day and it looked like a new one.

When we asked where he got it from, he just smiled and changed the subject to something else.

And as for me, well I surprised my father the most. I had gone back to school and decided that I wanted to get my G.E.D.

As I wanted to be able to make a living and have my own garage.

But we all knew that Polaris would turn back up on her own timing and when she did we would get our answers and we would finally be able to be a family.

Polaris's POV

I sighed as Nik said that we were walking back to the bar as he was worried about me, I looked over to my sister and she was currently pouting.

I knew it was to do with the fact Nik and I had made her walk, she moaned saying that she needed some time to rest.

I had just rolled my eyes at her as this was typical Rebekah when she was in a mood with said brother and sister.

I sighed as I turned to her, "are you still sulking?" I asked.

She sighed as she turned to me, "i'm just tired sister" she said.

I laughed, "you have been in a coffin for 80 years sister, you possibly cannot be tried" i said.

She growled, "we have been walking for 40 minutes Polaris and heels are not made for this" she said.

I looked down at my own shoes and laughed, "you're not going to get any sympathy from me" I explained.

She turned back to Stefan as she moaned and I smirked as I just decided to ignore her.

I caught up with my husband and smirked as he turned to me, "she's moaning again" he asked.

I laughed as I nodded and he sighed, "well we're nearly there love" he said.

I nodded as he turned to Rebekah and smirked, "then she can sit down" he said.

She rolled her eyes at us both and I frowned as Nik looked worried and I knew this was not about earlier, "Darling?" I said.

He turned to me and smiled, "it's nothing for you to worry about" he explained.

I frowned, "Niklaus," I said.

He sighed, "I am just worried about you is all," he said.

I frowned, "Niklaus i am not going to ask you again" i said.

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