Chapter 48 - We need to talk...

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John's POV

I smirked as Dean left in a bad mood as Bobby turned to me, "do I even ask why you wound him up for 20 minutes" he asked.

I looked at him and grinned, "because it is my right as the boy's father and it's nice to have one up on him every so often" I admitted.

He smirked as I sighed, "we need to talk" I said.

He looked at me, "John Winchester wants to talk," he asked.

I sighed, "we need to" I explained.

He nodded, "and you know that Polaris had a point this morning" I said.

He sighed but nodded as he grabbed his coffee and walked into the living room as he sat on the sofa. I grabbed my own cup and followed him as I sat down next to him.

"You want to talk about your daughter dont you?" he asked.

I smirked, "well not just her" I said.

He sighed but nodded, "what did she do to you?" I asked.

He looked at me and sighed, "nothing John" he said.

I laughed, "okay she did nothing and this is the reaction she gets from her uncle Bobby" I said.

He sighed, "it is just the girl that I used to know is gone and it is hard to see who she used to be" he explained.

I nodded, "but isn't that part of growing up, changing as you get older" I asked.

He looked at me and laughed, "she has killed people John" he said.

I laughed, "and we haven't?" I asked.

He sighed, "there monsters" he muttered.

I growled, "the people we kill John, the monsters we hunt" he said.

I sighed, "Polaris is one of those we hunt now and sometimes I think you forget that" I said.

He turned to me and frowned, "excuse me!" he said.

I sighed, "you expect her to be this 16 year old girl that she used to be" I said.

He opened his mouth as I sighed, "but she isn't Bobby and you need to remember that" I said.

He laughed, "she was a couple of months ago" he snapped.

I sighed as he leant back and rubbed his hand over his beard, "is she still that girl?" he asked.

I smiled, "she is" I said.

He smirked, "but she is also a little lost," I admitted.

He frowned, "lost?" he said.

I nodded, "they lost a son Bobby" I said.

He sighed, "there is more than that, no way does that make her that cold" he said.

I frowned as he looked at me, "I'm not saying that she shouldn't mourn," he said.

I nodded, "but sometime soon she should have gotten better," he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Bobby that is the difference between me and you" I said.

He frowned, "I have kids and you don't" I said.

He snapped his head to me and growled, "they are as much mine as they are your John, I helped raise the 3 of them" he snapped.

I looked at him and growled, "then have some compassion when it comes to the son she lost Robert" I snarled.

He sighed but nodded, "fine" he said.

I rolled my eyes as he turned to me, "being that we are together, does me having an issue with Polaris bring issues" he asked.

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