Chapter 35 - Drain the bitch...

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I woke to someone banging on the door and I moaned as I rolled over and waved my hand, the door opened and I heard someone chuckled.

I opened my eyes and noticed it was Sam and I frowned, "what are you doing waking me up at this hour" I asked.

He smirked, "Dad made pancakes," he said.

I sat up and grinned, "pancakes?" I asked.

He nodded as I turned around and poked my husband, "pancakes" I muttered.

He moaned as he rolled over and I jumped out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown, "lets go" I said.

Sam smirked, "your chipper" he said.

I turned to him and smirked, "there are pancakes being made and i need about 5 of them" I said.

He laughed as I ran down the stairs and skidded into the kitchen as Bekah laughed, "told you see is crazy for them" she said.

Dean laughed as I turned to her, "come on, i'm not that bad" I said.

She smirked, "where is Nik?" she asked.

I grinned, "in bed, I mentioned pancakes and he just moaned at me" I said.

She smirked as she turned to Dean, "point made, she is a little crazy when it comes to pancakes" she explained.

Dean nodded as I sat down and was moving in my spot as Bobby walked in and frowned, "are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded, "pancakes," I said.

He smirked as he turned to dad, "told you she is in love with them a little bit too much" he said.

I turned to him and smirked, "well my addiction is a little more necessary than say yours" I explained.

He frowned, "excuse me" he asked.

I grinned, "well you have your beer" I said.

He nodded, "and I have my pancakes" I explained.

He nodded, "alright then, I will leave you and your pancakes alone" he said.

I grinned, "pancakes are boss and anyone that thinks otherwise is welcome to leave" I said.

He rolled his eyes at me as Dad placed a plate down in front of me, "here you go" he said.

I grinned as I grabbed the syrup as Bekah laughed, "Finn and Elijah limit her each week, she is only allowed 5 a week otherwise she is hard to calm down" she explained.

I turned to her and pointed my fork in her direction, "Elijah and Finn just don't understand my need for pancakes or waffles" I said.

She smirked as she turned her attention to me, "you threatened to rip that girl apart a couple of centuries ago" she explained.

I shrugged as she laughed, "all because she didn't know what pancakes were, I don't think they had been invented yet" she said.

I shrugged as Sam laughed, "she has always been a little bit crazy for pancakes" he said.

Rebekah nodded as I heard a moan and turned around to see Nik standing there with a frown on his face, "how many have you had?" he asked.

I grabbed the plate and shoved them down my neck as he laughed, "your father can deal with the sugar high" he said.

I grinned as dad frowned as I put the now empty plate on the side, "I'm not the worst when it comes to sugar" I said.

Nik frowned as Dad moaned, "Dean" he said.

I grinned as Sam laughed and I turned to Rebekah, "so did you and Dean have a good conversation?" I asked.

She smirked as she turned to me, "we did" she said.

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