Chapter 61 - I would hate to be you...

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Polaris's POV

Nik and I had a good night in London, we had gone back to our home here which was one of our smaller ones as normally it was only three of us at a time that would be here as Finn didn't really like England and Rebekah said that it was too big for her.

I normally spelled our homes to last and our home in London did also act as our address for the royal side of our lives.

You see when we were first turned we didn't know what we were doing or how to survive due to thinking that we would only have a couple of years on this planet.

As the time went on, we ended up killing a lot more people than needed and wanted to, and this was one of the main reasons Finn hates what we are.

But then we met Lucien early on and he taught us how to be nobles, from there the story began to be spun about us being the royal vampires in our world.

The only vampires that could sort out the biggest issues that came our way, as well as rules being made for all three main species.

Even though there are 6 of us in total, they only really classed myself, Nik and Elijah as the main royals.

I know what you're thinking, but there are 6 of you in total. You see, they called myself a royal due to being the witch hybrid; they were scared because I was known as the unforgivable one in the group.

Then they classed Niklaus as a royal, due to his werewolf side and being that he was always ill mannered and short tempered, when it came to the idiots of our world.

And then there was Elijah, they chose him because he is the noble one out of us, he is still the only original that tends to hear someone out before making our decision.

Plus there is the fact that he can talk me and Niklaus down if needed as Finn just gets annoyed with us and Kol is the childish one of us all.

As for Rebekah, well she said she didn't need the responsibility and was happy being pushed and pulled by our family.


Nik and I had opened a bottle of wine as we sat on the balcony of the house here as we decided that being in London meant we might as well do some of our business while we were here.

Nik and I grabbed the mail as we walked onto the Balcony and he sighed, "looks like we have a couple of letters from back home" he said.

I looked down and smirked as I recognised some of the handwriting, "this is going to be amusing" I purred.

Nik laughed as he put the letters down and poured me a glass of wine and handed it to me, "here love" he said.

I grinned as I took the glass and grabbed one of the letters and opened it. It was then that I noticed that it was from Damon Salvatore and I would admit I was impressed.

"I forgot that Damon was born a gentleman," I said.

Nik turned to me, "excuse me?" he said.

I turned to him as he grinned, "come on, please read it" he said.

I smirked, "why would that be?" I asked.

He smirked, "I'm itching for a laugh," he explained.

I laughed but nodded as I held the letter up;

My Dearest Royal Vampires,

I am writing to you today because I feel like we have been done wrong; you see we have some of the original vampires in our town.

And I'm sorry to report but some of them are causing some trouble for my brother and I.

Not only have they lied repeatedly but one of the originals is a witch hybrid and she has been abusing her power.

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