;Serious; Chapter 90

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;Jet Moon;
Pov: Jax

I watched as everyone departed from the pack house, including Aylean and her pack, after Aztec abruptly took Aylean away the game night came to an end. Watching Aylean depart from the pack house, my thoughts immediately returned to the kiss shared with her just before Aztec intervened. My hand instinctively rose to my lips, still tingling with the memory of her lips against mine.

Fuck. Aztec, he's going to be absolutely livid at what I did, however, it was worth it because it got both of our mates attention.

I closed the door behind me, the weight of the impending confrontation with Aztec heavy in my mind, I entered the living room to find Elizabeth gathering up the empty bottles scattered across the floor from game night. Her movements stiffened at the sound of my approach, her back rigid as she refused to turn to face me.

"What was that, Jax?" Elizabeth's voice dripped with venom, her words laced with accusation. She spun around to face me, her ice blue eyes brimming with tears. "You reek of that omega now," she spat, her distress evident in the quiver of her voice. "How dare you kiss another female other than me!? How are you so selfish!" Each word cut through the air.

"You accuse me of selfishness?" I scoffed in disbelief dripping from each word, Griffin huffed in my mind at her accusation.

"The amount of times you cling to Aztec like he's your one and only life support whenever ANYONE is near. You've kissed him countless of times in front of me, and do nothing. Just because the pack was near" I rolled my eyes at my mate.

"Every time I've tried stopping you. You don't. Even Aztec has the decency to actually respect his mates wishes, but the only reason," I pointed a finger at Elizabeth, "He doesn't is because you ask for it."

Elizabeth gasped and covered her chest, as if feigning for an apology from me, "You think I want that?" She sneered, "How dare you. You're the villain in this Jax not me."

"Yes, because that's what it looks like to me." I said blatantly "Or have you forgotten your own desires, Elizabeth? You crave Aztec's mark as much as I crave your heart." With a bitter laugh, I continued, each word dripping with pain and resentment, "Yet you dare to cast me as the villain in this twisted tale? You chose obedience over love, I pleaded you to not be with Aztec, and you stand here, pointing fingers at me." I pointed my finger at me, my heart throbbed.

Elizabeth clenched her teeth, she struggled to contain the simmering fury within her ice-blue eyes. "You told me no such thing," she spat, her tone sharp with defiance. Yet beneath her facade of confidence, the flicker of doubt betrayed her, as if she dared not acknowledge the truth buried within her heart. I felt my heart twinge at her words.

She calls me a liar?

My gaze locked with hers, disbelief etched across my features. "You're kidding, right?" Another scoff escaped my lips, incredulity coloring every word. "Do you conveniently forget the battles I waged against the elders from the very beginning? When the truth of our bond emerged, I stood against the them, against everything they did. But you, Elizabeth," My voice cracked with a mixture of hurt and frustration, "You willingly walked into Aztec's arms, forsaking our bond for obedience." I winced, the pain of that betrayal still fresh in my heart. I closed my eyes, unable to bear the weight of her denial.

"Right I forgot. You were too busy faking your love with Aztec for a year, even before your nineteenth birthday." I said bitterly, before I continued, "Yet after your nineteenth birthday, You still faked your love to him, when you knew we were mates."  My eyes bore into my mate, a storm raging in my chest, echoed by Griffin's tormented howls in my mind. "Or is it fake love?"

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