;Quickly; Chapter 67

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Pov: Aylean

"Are you insane!?" Aztec growled out loudly "He's going to kill you!" I could hear the concern in his voice and I thought my legs would give out and tumble to the ground like jelly.

Stupid mate bond.

I inhaled a deep breath and ignored my mate. My brother was weak and I knew that, but I felt weak myself and didn't know how my heat would impact my fighting.

Guess let's hope that we have luck on our side.

Let's just try to end this quickly?

Are you sure that will work?

Aly... this is Alistair we're talking about.


I closed my eyes, feeling my bones popping and echoing off the trees in the forest calmed me slightly. They shifted and morphed into their designated areas as my form began to sprout fur and my clothes began to rip at the seams.

So much for changing.

I know right?

Satin giggled in my mind. I shook my head and felt my body lower to the ground before I could see 10x clearer and could hear everything around me 10x more.

I looked over at Alistair and bared my teeth. Compared to Alistair's wolf I was always smaller, but on most occasions being smaller can benefit a lot because people always tend to assume I'm weak, and that gives me an advantage.

Alistair lunged at me, and I dodged him easily. His form was much heavier than mine and it was more difficult for him to maneuver it.

His moves were also extremely sloppy, unbalanced, and unorganized, it was like he was trying to attack me in pitch darkness and couldn't see a thing.

I heard Davion in the background say something along the lines of, "Let her fight this out Hunter, she won't lose." And a growl followed by Aztec shortly after.

Alistair began circling me, and I watched him calmly.

Was he really using my own move against me? Wow...

When Alistair tried lunging at me I ducked to the ground causing him to fall to the ground and tumble behind me.

I quickly turned around to see Alistair shaking his fur and baring his teeth at me. He growled loudly which caused everyone around us to whimper, except Davion, Aztec, and I.

I sat down on the ground calmly as I assessed his next move. Me being calm about this fight, however, had gotten my eldest brother pissed which caused him to lose control.

He lunged at me and I ducked, just as I suspected. He was already ready for that move because he landed on his feet behind me and attempted to jump on me from behind.

I rolled over onto my back and clawed at his stomach when he tried to land on me. Not deep cuts, but just enough to draw blood. I wasn't about to kill my brother.

His gasp of shock sent my adrenaline running, and heat pulsed through my veins, of course, it was also a mixture of heat consuming my body as another episode tried to overcome my bones.

Alistair jumped away from me and stared at me wide-eyed. I rolled onto my stomach and stood up, I shook my black fur and stared at my brother's golden form.

I didn't want this fight to drag on any longer as I was afraid I was feeling another wave of heat creep up through my body agonizingly slow.

Alistair growled and lunged at me once again. This time I dodged and clamped my jaws around his neck, using all my weight to topple him to the ground.

Which was quite difficult because of my small form compared to Alistair's huge form.

Man, did he gain weight or something? He's fat!

Alistair tried wriggling out of my grip, but I held him there. I put one of my paws on his shoulder and used all my strength to keep him there, which honestly wasn't much right now.

I tightened my jaws around his neck until I tasted the metallic taste of blood, I made sure not to bite too hard on his neck, and I had purposely bit him so that I would avoid major veins or arteries on his neck.

Alistair growled one more time and tried wriggling out of my grip, I used my claws to claw into his shoulder causing him to whine out in pain.

I didn't want to hurt him, but he doesn't learn any other way.

'Keith, Zane... hate to be asking this again, but could one of you please bring more clothes for us? I'll pay you back for the clothes this idiot ripped.' I mind-linked the two.

'I- Luna Aylean, how can you say that so casually!? You are literally fighting AN ALPHA!?' Keith mind-linked.

I glanced up only to see their shocked expression and I wagged my tail slightly, 'Please?'

Alistair whined and I let go of his neck and stepped off of him. I backed away a few steps so that Alistair could get up from the fight.

Alistair stood up and shook his fur, he folded his ears back and dipped his head to me; as well as baring his neck to me in submission.

I glanced at my pack members then mind-linked them once more, 'Oh, and could you bring bandages for him too?'

Zane and Keith both nodded, then the two of them walked away.

"YES!! I knew you could do it!" Davion cheered, he walked up to me and crouched down. Then he pulled me into a hug, I nuzzled my muzzle into his shoulder and wagged my tail.

Alistair growled at us, and Davion let go of the hug only for both of us to stare at him until he shut up.

I focused my attention on the others, Aztec's and Jax's mouths hung open whilst they both stared at me wide-eyed.

I couldn't quite decipher the look Aztec had in his hazel eyes, it was a look of confusion and yet pride. However, at the same time, it held lust and another emotion I couldn't decipher.

Davion pet my head, then he hugged me once again, and I wagged my tail happily, "You are my Alpha" he whispered in my ear.

My ears perked up and my eyes went wide.

He saw me as His Alpha!?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was actually quite fun to write! :)

Guess we found who Davion sees as his true Alpha!
What did you think of it?

Also, what do you think will happen next?
Who's pov do you guys want to see in the next chapter? :0
Did you think Aylean defeated him too quickly?

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