;Cottage; Chapter 19

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Aylean's Pov:

I scrolled through my phone while we all waited for Emilia to finish eating, "So do you guys have a place to stay or do you just live in the forest?" I asked looking up from the tiny screen.

What kind of question is that?

I don't know? How do rouges live??

Girl. How are we the same?

I rolled my eyes at Satin then looked at the three, "We live in town, but some rouges prefer living in the woods" Asher shrugged "It just depends where you prefer living."

I nodded in reply, but then I registered what they said. "Wait so you guys live amongst humans?" I asked wide eyed at them, Edric chuckled and glanced over at Emilia who was still eating the elk carcass in her wolf form.

"Yes Luna, we live amongst people. It's not that bad actually and a lot of werewolves actually have people for mates, so I'm surprised you've never been in the human village before" Edric chuckled again.

I bit my bottom lip, they lived in the human village. We were all people but werewolves were different from them, many of us were hunted by human hands.

I shook my head. I needed to get this crazy idea out of my head, I have never been to the human village but many others in my pack have. We gotta love being an 'Omega' you can't do anything except for care for pups and basically do everything higher ups tell you.

Emilia had already shifted back and changed into some clothes "So where do you guys stay in the village?" I asked, do they have jobs to earn a living? I was so curious.

Honestly so was Satin because she was wagging her tail rapidly in my head and it was kind of giving me a headache.

"We live in a cottage in the woods, but we live closer to the village than most rouges on this stretch. But Luna, don't you think we should add more members? Four isn't enough for a pack" Asher murmured.

I shook my head in reply "Nonsense. Four is enough to complete a pack for now. We need to settle somewhere, and plus the whole point of a pack is to have each other's backs no matter what" I smiled sweetly, something I had learned while reading Alistair's Alpha books.

The three looked at me in shock and I just shook my head smiling lightly "What is it?" I asked, and that seemed to shock them even more.

Jeez what kind of Alpha's have they met? Like I get it I was an Omega and most Omegas would literally start sobbing right now.

Well you forget we're not an Omega and we never were despite what our parents put us as In Ivory, so why are you still masking our scent??

You know why. I don't want them to think I only want them to submit to us because of our Aura.

Satin nodded in agreement. Unlike most Alphas I wanted to earn the spot of being called an Alpha, unlike my eldest brother Alistair.

I shook my head "Come on now, we must get going. I don't know the way to the village since I've never been there."

Emilia squealed and I winced at how loud her squeal was "Oh sorry Luna! I'm just excited!" She smiled and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me towards the village.

Well this should be interesting.

Yes it should.

Satin smiled wagging her tail in my head, Edric and Asher followed the both of us as I struggled to keep up with the pregnant lady pulling me by my arm.

Man this girl was quick for a pregnant women. "So Luna how come you've never been to the village before?" She asked softly.

"I'm sure you know I was technically an Omega," I clenched my teeth for a second but then relaxed "But, I was never allowed to leave the pack unless my brother allowed me to. I never listened."

I rolled my eyes as a memory flooded into my mind

;4 years ago;
Aylean's Pov:

Alistair barged into my room, he was just pronounced Alpha of the pack along with and Julia as the Luna. "Hey Ali what's up?" I asked tilted my head to the side.

"You wouldn't understand, your only fifteen" He muttered as he began pacing around my room and rubbing his temples in frustration.

I rolled my eyes and folded my hands together "Ali. You barged into my room then you go and tell me I wouldn't understand?" I growled "How does that make any sense!?"

Alistair shot me a glare, and boy if looks could kill I would be deceased. He quickly looked away and gritted his teeth, staring down at his hands "Whatever" he muttered and left the room with some curses under his breath.

I shrugged it off and continued to pack my things to finally go to the village, Mom & Dad finally said they would take me!

Once I finished packing I walked out of my room with a bright smile on my face, I clenched the strap on my backpack and was about to walk outside before Alistair stopped me.

I looked up at him "What's up?" I asked and he glared at the backpack.

"Where are you going?" Alistair asked, and I rolled my eyes. So now he decided to play the role of big brother. I waved him off and tried to walk passed him.

Alistair snatched the bag of my shoulders and I glared at him "What the heck Ali!?" I growled.

"I never allowed you to leave did I?" He snapped, his brown eyes shooting daggers in mine. I kept my ground and that got him more agitated "I am the Alpha and what I say goes. You are to never step foot onto the human village or else you will be punished severely, got it little sis?" He threatened.

I glared at him but after a major fight between the two of us I reluctantly agreed.

;Present time;
Aylean's Pov:

I rolled my eyes at the memory, I hated it so much but I agreed either way because I really didn't want to deal with Alistair and his bitchy attitude.

We always had to deal with his bitchy attitude he never liked anything we did!

Emilia dragged me into the village and I gulped as the sounds of people chatting and cars echoed throughout my ears. I could honestly feel my heart beat in my throat from how anxious I suddenly felt.

Emilia glanced at me, she squeezed my hand reassuringly and I smiled at her "It will be okay Luna," she said softly then we started walking into a couple of alleyways then back into the woods.

We passed a couple of marked trees then up ahead I noticed a small cottage, Emilia squealed making me flinch again.

"Ouch, stupid sensitive ears" I grumbled to myself, and Emilia quickly turned around giving me and apologetic look.

Asher gently nudged all of us into the cottage, my eyes widened and I all that came out of my mouth was "Woah."

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