;Breakfast; Chapter 45

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Pov: Aylean

I groaned as I got out of bed rubbing my temples, we stayed up all night binge watching multiple movies. I walked into my bathroom and flinched at the sight of the person staring back at me.

Satin was still asleep in my head. I grabbed a brush and began brushing the birds nest on my head, wincing lightly when the brush pulled through several knots in my hair.

I heard a knock on my door and I grabbed a rubber band and pulled my hair into a ponytail, and walked over to door.

"Good morning Luna Aylean!" Emilia smiled happily. She held a tray of food in her hands and my eyes widened.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to make breakfast in bed for everyone, but the only one I've made so far was yours" Emilia sighed, and I giggled.

I took the tray from her and walked over to my bed, "Thank you so much Emilia, do you need help making the others?"

Emilia's eyes lit up and she jumped up a little "I would love that!" She squealed and I smiled at her.

Emilia looked at the plate of food I placed down she huffed "How about you eat your meal first" she grumbled.

I chuckled, and walked over to the bed.

She's going to be a great mother to her kid.

I picked up the plate of food and walked over to her stuffing a pancake into my mouth, it was perfect, it wasn't too harsh and it was just the right amount of flavour.

I was about to tell Emilia how good it was, but Satin yawned loudly in my head and I cringed.

Emilia frowned "Are they not good?"

My eyes widened, I gulped down the delicious pancake "No they're amazing!" I smiled.

"But you cringed" Emilia sounded like a hurt puppy, and I frowned.

"No, they're amazing, Satin just yawned obnoxiously in my head and it hurt" I explained.


Satin grumbled tiredly. Emilia's eyes lit up again "Really!? That's awesome" she smiled "Now let's go make breakfast for everyone else."

As we walked to the kitchen I was stuffing my face with the pancakes that Emilia made, once we were in the kitchen I placed the the now empty plate into the sink and washed it.

I turned to Emilia who was struggling with her belly to clean up. I chuckled and walked over to the pregnant woman "What do you need help with?" I asked.

Emilia looked at me and her eyes lit up again "Can you make the pancakes? I'll tell you how to make them and I'll set up the plates" she said cheerfully.

I nodded and glanced around, "Do we have enough for five more people?" I asked.

"Five?" Emilia questioned "I already ate" she admitted.

"Yeah five, Zahara, Marissa, Keith, Zane, Asher, and Edric" I paused "Wait that's six..." I mumbled to myself.

Do we really already have seven people in our pack?

Satin wagged her tail in my head.

Yup! We trust them right?

Yeah, they all had multiple chances to kill us, especially Zahara, Keith, Zane and Marissa.

True, but hey. It'll be more really soon!

I smiled, Satin wasn't wrong. Emilia was due any day now and she didn't want to know the gender of her baby so we've all been eagerly waiting.

However, heat season was coming up to, and I barely had time to adjust to the situation. I shook my head and began making more batter.

By the end of it both Emilia and I were covered in flour and we were both giggling. We both walked around all the rooms handing people their pancakes and drinks.

Once everyone was up I gathered up all the girls in my room.

"Is something wrong Luna Aylean?" Zahara asked.

"I have a date..." I hesitated.

Their eyes all shot up and all girls squealed "Who's it with?" They all asked in unison.

I chuckled nervously "The beta of Jet Moon"

Their eyes widened "Is he your mate?" Marissa asked.

I shook my head in reply "It's a long story, but I need your help getting ready." I nervously scratched the back of my neck before I spoke up again "I've never been on a date before."

They all gaped at me like I was crazy "Okay, first we need to go shopping for a dress, when is the date?" Emilia asked.

"Tonight?" I said.

"What?!" All three girls yelled.

"We have so much to do," Marissa grumbled "Okay,"

They all turned to me and began examining me, I didn't know how to feel with them ogling me.

"Okay, Emilia your on dress duty. Zahara your in charge of the hair and I'll do Luna Aylean's makeup." Marissa said clapping her hand together "Chop chop, we gotta get going."

I furrowed my brows together, before Emilia grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my room and up to the entrance.

"Quickly we don't have a lot of time," she said then looked at her mates "Edric, Asher could you please help me put on my shoes?" She asked.

Both of the guys rose to their feet and walked over to us. "Where are you going?" Asher questioned.

Emilia glanced at me "We're going to get Luna ready"

Edric and Asher gave each other odd glances "Why?" Edric questioned.

"Luna Aylean is going on a date, now quickly help me get my shoes on, it's hard with this belly" Emilia grumbled as she sat down on the cushion bench beside the door.

Both men crouched down put on a shoe onto their mates foot then stood up. Asher looked at me "Are you going with your mate?"

Edric and Emilia furrowed their brows "You found your mate?" Edric asked.

"Oh my goodness is it him!?" Emilia squealed.

I looked at Asher and simply shook my head, he gave me a questioning look but I smirked lightly.

Asher nodded and grabbed his mates arm "C'mon Edric."

I bent down and put on my shoes, and helped Emilia to her feet. Then we both walked out.

What do you think is going to happen at the date?

Do you think Jax and Aylean can pull off their plan without Aztec finding out?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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