;She-Wolf; Chapter 86

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;Jet Moon;
Pov: Aylean

I stared at Aztec glaring at both Jax and I. Looking over at Elizabeth, she clung to Aztec's side, her eyes wide at the scene.

Satin whined in my mind, at the sight of the she-wolf clinging to our mate like he was her life support, and him letting it. I felt my emotions mix with Satin's, the betrayal and rage echoed in my brain. Aztec's lie will not last any longer than this night, he will break. I will make sure of that.

Raising my head from the support of Jax's shoulder, I met my mate's narrowed gaze, feeling the weight of his intense stare, I ignored it. His voice rumbled with anger as he demanded, "What is your pack doing here?" Around us, I noticed the members of his pack cowering in fear, their whimpers a stark contrast to his fierce stance.

I simply shrugged holding back a smirk, "My pack and I were invited, I do believe an invitation is to be considered, and not going to it is called being rude." I said nonchalantly before hearing quiet gasps from his pack members.

"And who invited you?" Elizabeth's sharp retort sliced through the tension, her icy blue gaze piercing into me. Despite her glare, fear failed to take root within me. Satin's snarl echoed in my mind, condemning her as a coward for not fighting for her rightful place beside her mate. A sentiment I couldn't help but echo towards my own mate. Though Aztec held the title of alpha, his passivity in allowing others to dictate his mate was a mark of cowardice in my eyes.

"I did," Jax asserted, rising to his feet and extending his hand towards me. I hesitated for a brief moment, chewing on the inside of my cheek, before finally accepting his offer and standing up. As the irritation flickered in the gazes of both our mates, Jax squeezed my hand, silently conveying solidarity and support.

"Why?" Aztec's growl rumbled forth, a vein pulsating with rage on his neck as he fixed his glare on his beta. "Without my permission?" His words dripped with authority, demanding an explanation from his second in demand.

With an exasperated roll of my eyes, I released Jax's hand and met my mate's gaze head-on. Folding my arms across my chest, I raised a skeptical brow at him. "Let's not stir up trouble, Alpha. We wouldn't want any drama unfolding before the games even begin," I remarked, narrowing my gaze at him and holding his stare. "Would we?" My tone carried a subtle warning, daring him to escalate the situation further.

Aztec's jaw clenched tightly, his teeth grinding with suppressed frustration. "Fine," he spat out irritatingly, the word laced with restrained anger.

"Hey Aly, relax before the idiot breaks this entire room," Davion's voice sliced through the tension, his finger pointing squarely at my mate and his unwitting pawn. His words made me burst out laughing. Appreciating the comic relief amidst the brewing conflict.

Aztec's glare pierced toward my brother, poised to retaliate, but I halted him with a stern gaze of my own. Gritting his teeth, he paused, collecting himself before finally addressing the group.

Taking a deep breath, he reached for Elizabeth's hand, a gesture that tugged at my heart. "Sorry, everyone. Shall we begin?" he inquired, his tone softer now as both he and Elizabeth settled onto the couch. Jax and I followed suit, sitting beside them, and as my leg brushed against my mate's, a surge of electricity coursed through my veins.

"Who are you, Omega?" Her piercing brown eyes bore into mine. "And your pack, I've never heard of one so close to ours." Her black hair framed her elegant face. Memories of our initial encounter when I first met Aztec flooded back, her futile attempts to dominate me still etched vividly in my mind.

With a raised brow, I chose to disregard her insult and simply smiled. "I'm Aylean," I stated confidently, casting a glance around to observe the mix of curiosity and skepticism among Aztec's pack members. Turning my attention to my own pack, I nodded lightly, silently urging them to introduce themselves.

"Davion," he spoke up first, his voice steady despite the flicker of anger in his ice blue eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was clear the insult hadn't gone unnoticed, but he maintained his composure as he introduced himself.

The air seemed to crackle with curiosity as another voice chimed in, this time belonging to a man with short, curly blond hair and fair skin. "Isn't that the name of the Beta from Ivory Pack?" he questioned.

Davion nodded affirmatively. "Indeed," he replied, his gaze shifting between the man and me. "However, I am no longer affiliated with that pack. I've found a new home."

"Why not?" Aztec asked, his voice surprisingly calm despite the undercurrent of anger swirling in his hazel gaze.

Davion smirked confidently. "Because I have an Alpha who's not Alistair. Someone truly worthy of the title, unlike you," he retorted, his words laced with a subtle threat.

Before Aztec could react, Asher swiftly interjected, diffusing the tension. "Right! I'm Asher," he announced, his voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm as he spoke up to introduce himself.

"Zahara, and my mate, Keith," she declared, gesturing towards her partner as all eyes turned to observe Aztec's reaction to the insult my brother had thrown out.

Aztec gritted his teeth. "Let's begin. What game shall we play?" He asked.

"What about... Truth or Dare?" Another lady spoke up, she had red curly hair and fair skin with freckles across her face "We could get to know the new pack in a way!"

"Yeah that sounds like a fun time," Jax spoke up as he rested his hand on mine.

"I shall begin! My name is Nina" The redhead exclaimed happily, "Minnie truth or dare?"

"Truth." A brown haired woman answered.

As the game continued, I learned a few names of Aztec's pack members. Finally one of the dares landed on Zahara.

"Hmm, truth." Zahara  answered with a soft smile.

"Alright," the man; whose name I learned was Liam said as he leaned  in with intrigue. "If you could switch lives with any shifter in the world, what type of shifter it be?"

"Hmm," Zahara hummed, her gaze distant yet contemplative. "Probably a lynx shifter," she mused, her words laced with curiosity. "They're quite different, but I do like being a wolf," she added.

"Luna, truth or dare?" Zahara's jade green eyes fixed on me, waiting for my response. Before I could answer, another voice cut in, interrupting our exchange.

"Dare," Elizabeth declared with a confident smirk. "Can't believe you're acknowledging me as your Luna, when you're not even a member of the pack" she added, her pride evident in her expression.

I rolled my eyes at her boastful proclamation, while Zahara shot her a sharp glare. "I wasn't talking to you, bitch," Zahara retorted, her tone icy and dismissive.

I will make two chapters together, this chapter was just getting too long 😭😂 See you in the next chapter!

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