;Encounter; Chapter 37

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Pov: Aylean

The grey wolf charged at me and before I could react, the other three wolves jumped me as well.

I let out a painful howl as their claws and teeth dug into my obsidian coloured fur.

One of them jumped on my back and nipped at my ears, I felt hot and sticky blood trickle down my ear and stain my face.

I snarled and threw my body back catching the other three wolves off guard, and the one on my back toppled to the ground with a thud.

There was a brief moment where I could catch my breath before three wolves lunged at me and pinned me to ground all clawing and nipping at my fur.

The feeling of my fur becoming, heavy, and sticky as my own blood drenched my black fur. I pinned my ears against my head as I took the pain.

There will be a moment where they take a breath.

When one of the wolves stopped to take a breather I reached my paws out and clawed at it's legs, it yelped and jumped back in surprise. The other two attacking me caught of guard for a second, and that second was all it took for me to get back on my four paws.

I pinned my ears back against my head and let out a growl, raising my tail high. That was when I realized there was only three wolves in front of me

Wasn't there four?

I snarled as I whipped around and before the wolf behind me could I attack me I crouched to the floor and the wolf landed with a thud behind me.

I quickly turned around, all four wolves glaring at me with such determination. I was curious where it came from.

I shook my head and focused on the task ahead, Satin was fighting to take control, but I pushed her back.

I didn't need her in this fight.


I quickly shut the she-wolf out, my vision was becoming hazy from the lack of blood and I think I was starting to see doubles.

A white wolf charged at me snapping his teeth in my direction, I somehow dodged his hit despite the throbbing in my head.

My adrenaline didn't want to kick in just yet and it was getting on my nerves. I snarled and lunged at the white male, he was huge compared to my small figure, but I managed to clamp my jaws onto his hind leg.

The male let out a howl, and the three wolves let out a quiet whimper of fear. I let go and he jumped back shooting daggers at me with his cool orange eyes.

I finally got a couple hits on them.

I bared my teeth. A red she-wolf snarled at me her eyes filled with pure rage.

How the heck am I supposed to defeat four fricking wolves on my own???

Correction werewolves.

Not helping.

I shut Satin out again as the she-wolf spoke to me, her voice was overflowing with fury. 'You stupid Mutt! How dare you hurt my son!'

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