;One; Chapter 49

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;Jet Moon;
Pov; Aylean

I whipped my head and my brown eyes locked onto hazel ones. I gently squeezed Jax's hand, and he let go of my waist.

I calmly walked forward hearing quiet gasps around me, "Can you please move Alpha?" I smirked.

Aztec growled, I was mocking his title in front of multiple of his pack members, yet his growl didn't phase me. I had a stronger growl than him when I was angry.

He glared down at me, he was struggling keeping the eye contact. Aztec gritted his teeth and broke the eye contact first.

Gasps we're heard around us, and I just smirked in victory. I pushed passed him, our shoulders touching for a brief moment sending heat through my arm and sparks to erupt.

Satin howled in my head happily at the contact, however I stopped beside him. "Oh and Alpha" I mocked.

Aztec grunted in response, but he didn't look my way "Please don't touch my mate" I said calmly. Aztec shot his head towards me, his eyes swirling with rage and I just smirked.

Before the Alpha could protest I just walked away calmly, walking passed his pack members. A loud roar of disapproval echoed behind me and I held my head high.

His anger barely phased me, it didn't make me cower, it actually wanted me to see how far I can push the Alpha's buttons until he broke.

Satin wagged her tail at the thought. She loved Aztec but just like me, she wanted him to pay for faking his mate in front of us. She wanted him to submit just like I did.

He's so mad.

Satin laughed in my head. The sounds of bones cracking were heard behind me and didn't have to look back because my mates scent got stronger.

However instead of running I just calmly continued walking. His howl echoed through the village and I felt his pheromones fume as he ran passed me, he stopped in front of me.

I looked at his dark grey wolf looked at me, and a part of me wanted to reach out and brush through his fur, but I resisted the urge.

"Yes Aztec?" I said calmly. I held no hint of fear, and yet the whispers and whimpers around us were heard. I crouched down a little bit.

His wolf was larger, my was mate just two inches smaller than my 5'5 form as a human, Satin's wolf was probably a lot smaller than him due to us being a runt, but that never stopped us.

"You don't want to draw attention to yourself now do you, Alpha" I whispered into his ear. His wolf shook his fur, it was clear that his wolf was in control. "Why don't you let Aztec take control?" I whispered again and briefly brushed my hand along his ear.

In a few moments, his wolfs eyes became a light hazel indicating that Aztec took control. I smirked and masked my scent, Aztec furrowed his brows. The grey wolf so confused.

I unmasked my scent quickly, so it didn't seem suspicious to why I had absolutely no scent. Only Alpha's could mask their scent, and I only did it for a brief moment. So the only one who noticed was my mate.

I just walked passed the grey wolf calmly, my hand briefly touched his soft fur. Aztec snarled loudly, his eyes swirled with furry and he once again ran passed me, but this time he ran towards the woods howling loudly.

I heard a collective sigh escape the people around me, I just continued walking. However I stopped when I heard someone say "Luna, can you please calm down the Alpha?!? The stupid Omega clearly wants a death wish! But we don't" the man begged.

I clenched my fists tightly, but kept my head held high. "No." Jax's voice echoed, "My L- mate, had nothing to do with this."

Nice save Beta.

"What do mean it's not your mates fault!?" Elizabeth screamed out, I finally turned around and watched the fight transpire.

If something went down I will help the Beta, because he helped me with my mate. Plus his mate needed the lesson too.

Jax glanced at me, then looked at his mate. His eyes softened, and I felt my heart clench. For a brief moment I imagined Aztec looking at me like that.

Maybe someday he will.

"That Omega. Is not your mate!" Elizabeth snarled loudly.

People around her looked confused "What do you mean Luna Elizabeth? They were clearly mates." Someone chimed in. A man.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" A woman chimed in.

I sighed. I felt bad for her, but at the same time she put this on herself when she started being all lovey dovey with her Alpha in front of her mate.

I calmly walked up to the two, and put a hand on Elizabeth. She tensed and looked at me, I gave her a light smile "Your making your pack mates suspicious" I whispered into her ear.

Elizabeth shut her mouth and looked at Jax, tears stinging her eyes. He clenched his fists and walked up the both of us.

He grabbed my hand from her shoulder and I pretend to shutter at the touch, and Elizabeth smiled at the breif contact. "I love you L-," Jax stopped and bit his lip.

I know it was hard for him. It's hard keeping away from your mate especially how long they've done this for. Yeah, he told me.

Satin whimpered, she felt bad for the couple. We both did, but the only way to make their relationship stronger was to break up our mates, even if the relationship might be fake.

Our mates are clearly not making any changes to their relationship, so we decided on the plan.

With a light squeeze of Jax's hand. I kissed his cheek and let go of his hand, then began walking towards the woods. Back home.

I help my head high, and a smirk plastered on my face. My eyes set on the woods in front of me.

Step one. Complete.


How do you think Aztec will act next?
Who's pov do you think will be next?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think of the story plot so far :)

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