;Reply; Chapter 42

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Pov: Aylean

I gasped and shot up looking around my surroundings, trying to recognize where I was. My vision was still blurry.

I had to blink a few times as it slowly came back to me, and my surroundings slowly came into view.

I groaned in pain and my hand went to my head as it throbbed and felt like it was pulsating, "What happened?" I muttered quietly to myself and Satin, as I rubbed my temples trying to subdue the pain.

Slowly the memories of the following events came pooling in my head making my headache even worse. The rouges, the fainting, and even when I used my alpha tone.

I widened my eyes.

Crap I used my Alpha tone,  fuck they probably hate me now.

I groaned as my body ached, I looked at my chest expecting bloody clothes, but instead I found bandages around my waist and upper body.

I guess someone treated me while I was out.

I glanced around the room I was in.  After a few moments of my brain refusing register where I was, it finally recognised it as my room in the cottage.

My eyes landed on my backpack and the bandages I kept inside neatly rolled up beside it. My lips thinned and I breathed out a sigh.

This will be fun.

I thought sarcastically. Satin whimpered quietly in my head from the pain, she must've been in worse pain than I was, and I felt terrible.

I slowly got out of bed and stood up. My feet wobbled and I felt my head spinning around the room as soon as my feet touched the wooden floor.

I turned around and leaned my hands onto the bed closing my eyes as blood rushed to my head causing it to spin out of control.

Taking in deep breath's trying to calm down the raging symptoms. After about four minutes the swirling subsided and I stood up carefully. I looked down to see that I was just in panties and parts of my legs were patched up with gauze and tape.

I sighed and walked over to my backpack and pulled out a black t-shirt and grey baggy shorts, I also pulled out a rubber band from the pocket and pulled my disheveled  hair back into a high ponytail.

Hey how are you feeling?

I'm fine despite my aching body, how are you?

Same as you, we must've shifted while being out.

Yeah, that would probably explain everything. Although who bandaged me up?

It was most likely Emilia, we could ask when we're done changing.

I shook my head.

We still need to read Jax's reply to our request.

I quickly slipped into the black t-shirt and grey baggy shorts, then walked over to my backpack. I opened the zipper of the front pocket and pulled out the envelope.

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