;Acceptance; Chapter 83

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Pov: Aylean

I gazed in astonishment at my pack, each member kneeling on the floor with their necks bared in a display of vulnerability and submission. I scanned every before, my attention was drawn to Emilia, lying in the hospital bed with Harper and Hugo on each arm, her neck also bared. It was a powerful testament to the unwavering trust and solidarity.

My mouth went dry, and I instinctively glanced behind me, half-expecting to see someone else standing there. Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of my pack's trust hit me like a tidal wave. They trusted me—trusted me to protect them, to lead them, even after I had betrayed their trust with my lies. I felt like Pinocchio, but instead of longing to be a real boy, I longed to be a worthy Alpha for them.

"Aylean Rafe Beowulf," my brother began, his voice carrying a weight of reverence as he looked up at me, his ice-blue eyes brimming with love and admiration. As I met the gaze of each member of my pack, I saw the same sentiment reflected in their eyes. A profound trust and belief in me as their leader.

"We don't need another Alpha besides you, Luna Aylean," Marissa said, her voice filled with sincerity as she spoke with the softest and sweetest smile I'd ever seen. "You protected all of us from Alpha Beowulf when he was going to kill my family," she continued, gratitude evident in her words. "I can't speak for the rest of the pack, and I can't speak for my family, but you have my loyalty, Aylean. You could have killed us too, but you let us go and gave us shelter... a home." Her heartfelt words touched me deeply, reinforcing the bond of trust and loyalty between her and I.

"I agree," Emilia spoke softly, her smile warm and genuine as she looked up at me. "You could have killed me when you had the perfect chance, Luna Aylean. I was extremely vulnerable, and you could have harmed Asher brutally, and Edric as well. But you let them both go, even tending to Asher's wounds when you didn't have to. You have our loyalty, Luna Aylean." Her words resonated deeply within me, affirming the trust and respect that existed in their family.

"My family accepted you as our Luna when you protected us from an Alpha that wasn't even yours, and we weren't part of your pack," Zane spoke with sincerity, his gaze unwavering. "Even though you lied to us about your true rank, you had good intentions of keeping it hidden. And now, you have truly proven to me that. You are my Alpha, Luna Aylean." His words echoed in my mind, affirming the bond that had formed between us despite the challenges we had faced. It was a moment of profound connection, one that filled me with a sense of belonging and purpose. The nods of Keith and Zahara only confirmed that they too saw me as their Alpha.

As I listened to the heartfelt words of my pack members, I felt my heart swell with an overwhelming sense of love and admiration. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, except with Davion. The joy that filled my chest threatened to burst forth, a sensation of pure happiness coursing through me. Throughout my life, moments of happiness had always been fleeting, but now, looking at the faces before me, I realized that these people, despite only knowing me for a few short months, truly believed in me. They saw me as their Alpha, and it was a realization that filled me with awe and gratitude. They believed in me. Truly believed, and for the first time in my life, I believed in myself too.

Their words washed over me like a soothing balm, filling me with a profound sense of gratitude and validation. "Thank you, everyone," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, overwhelmed by the depth of each of their acceptance and trust. "Your words mean more to me than I can express. I promise to continue to lead and protect our pack with all that I am." With those words, I knew that together, we could overcome any challenge that lay ahead as a pack.

Satin's howl echoed through my mind, vibrating with approval and excitement. I could feel her exhilaration radiating as she bounded around, her black fur gleaming in the imagined sunlight in my mind. Despite the weight of our responsibilities, her infectious enthusiasm filled me with warmth, and I couldn't help but smile at her boundless joy. Together, we were ready to face whatever challenges awaited us, united as one.

I am going to protect this pack, even when my life depends on it.

We will protect it. They are our pack, our family. No one will hurt them.

With a shared understanding and determination burning within us, Satin and I silently vowed to uphold our commitments until our final moments. No matter the challenges we faced or the trials ahead, we were united in our dedication to honor our vows until our very last breaths.

I slipped back into reality as the scent of pine needles and peppermint enveloped my senses, and a palpable tension filled the air. Without needing to turn around, I felt the weight of his gaze bore into my back, causing a rush of heat to suffuse my entire body. With every fiber of my being, I remained fixed on the wall before me.

With a smirk playing on my lips, I finally addressed him. "Hello, Aztec. Nice of you to drop by," I greeted him, turning around to meet his gaze. His hazel eyes were darker, reflecting the tumult of emotions swirling within him. It was clear that his wolf wasn't in control; it was purely Aztec standing before me. I swallowed hard, feeling a rush of gratitude for having taken the heat pills earlier. Without them, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the magnetic pull of the irresistibly handsome alpha standing in front of me.

Aztec's voice dripped with irritation as he addressed me, his gaze sweeping over the rest of my pack. "You... what the fuck are you..." he began, his frustration evident in his tone. "Weren't you in heat just moments ago? How did that suddenly stop?" His words came out in a harsh spit, revealing his agitation. His eyes then darted to my neck, searching for any evidence of a mark. Finding none, his expression softened slightly.

Aztec took a deep breath before directing his attention to Emilia. "How are you feeling?" he asked, surprising me with his unexpected kindness. "I hope your stay here has been enjoyable so far?" His genuine concern for Emilia's well-being sparked a glimmer of hope within me. It was a side of Aztec that I had never seen before, and witnessing it now filled me with a sense of cautious optimism.

Maybe there's hope for this alpha after all.

Hey! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please leave a vote! :)

Lol what do you guys think? Did Aylean's pack accept her far too quickly, or did they have good reasons for it?

What do you think will happen next, will Aztec try to mark her again or will he be too enraged to even focus on anything?
Or will be a civil person and be calm?

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