;Please; Chapter 34

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;Jet Moon;
Pov: Aylean

I got out from my hiding spot and let out my 'Omega' pheromones then walked into the cave.

Davion was humming a tune as I walked in. "Oh hey Davi, what are you doing here?"

Davion looked at me, "Oh nothing. I was just clean up" he smiled nervously.


"Davion, why are you lying to me?" I asked calmly.

Davion chuckled nervously "What? I'm not lying?"


"I'm not stupid Davion." I crossed my arms over my chest and raised a brow at my older brother "Why are you lying to me?" I repeated.

"It's nothing important" Davion smiled, his voice coated with worry.


I took in a deep breath "Okay fine don't tell me, but I will find out eventually" I mumbled "Can you at least tell me why you're here? Why aren't you at home in Ivory Pack?"

Davion scratched the back of his neck "I was on patrol for Alistair."


"Oh? Really," I asked "Why we're you patrolling in the first place? That's Ali's job" I said.

"The reason I was patrolling was because of the constant rouge attacks on our pack, ever since you've left the pack they have gotten worse and Alistair can't keep track." Davion said.

I furrowed my brows and bit the inside of my cheek. I felt a pang of guilt stab my chest.


Have the rouge attacks really gotten that bad? Why do I feel bad? That pack never cared for me.

I shook my head "Okay, that still doesn't explain why you're here, you hate this place because of the strong pheromones" I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I- uh... I- um.." Davion fumbled for the right words, and I stood watching my brother. Davion cleared his throat "I was trying to find you" he said with a light smile.


I sighed "Yeah I'm not helping, I'm no longer a part of Ivory Pack, Alistair basically kicked me out when I left."

"But he's been miserable without you, he can't even calm the pack down from all these Rouge attacks" Davion said.

"Are you trying to guilt trip me into coming back?" I scoffed "That's not going to work, and how is it my fault that our older brother can't do his job."

"Well your supposed to be Luna, and Alpha to our pack" Davion said.

I rubbed my temples "Davion. I'm not going back"

"But you got hurt I don't want to see you get hurt anymore, please Ali?" Davion begged.

I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes tightly "No." I muttered "I am not going back." I stated then opened my eyes.

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