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We finished our day on the yacht and then flew back to the beautiful mansion in the south of France.

I set my suitcase in my room and went back down the tower and towards Axel's office.

I walked towards the large wooden door and raised my fist up to knock before I heard Axel's voice,

"Laura," he chuckled, "oh you are bad." He laughed again.

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow, we can have another," he paused before whispering, "chat."

I leaned against the door, pressing my ear against the wood panel.

"Laura, stop teasing. I'll make sure to put you in your place tomorrow." Axel said while laughing.

I turned on my heels quickly and walked away down the corridor.

I heard the door being pushed open and Axel's shoes clicking against the wooden floor as he walked out.

I started running down the stairs and through the entry hall as Axel yelled behind me, "Laila! Stop! Wait!"

I heard his footsteps running after me as I ran up the staircase of the tower and into my room, locking the door behind me.

I leaned my forearms against the door and pressed my forehead to the wooden panel.

Suddenly I felt Axel's fists pounding on the door.

"Layla." He said as he knocked firmly on the door with his palm.

"It's not what it sounds like." He yells through the door.

"Go away." I yelled back.

"For fucks sake Laila!" He shouted as he pounded on the door harder.

I didn't reply, feelings tears moisten my eyes.

"Laila, I swear to God I will kick this door down." He growled.

I didn't reply, leaning my back against the door and slowly sliding down.

"Open this door right now!" Axel yelled through the door.

Before I could even reply or move, I heard a loud thud followed by the sound of the door splintering.

I got to my feet quickly and moved away.

I saw the door swing open harshly before Axel stormed in.

I moved backwards towards the wall as he came towards me, smoke practically coming out of his ears.

My back hit the wall and my breath hitched before Axel caught up to me and pressed me into the wall harder.

He grabbed my face harshly before I let out a yelp of pain.

"Axel, let go of me!" I yelled as I flailed my arms at him.

"Fucking stop, Laila!" He shouted, "Let me explain." He said as he released his grip on my face.

I saw my opportunity and I took it,

"I don't want your explanation." I said as I pushed past him.

I grabbed a small bag and started stuffing clothes into it. I grabbed the bag and walked out of the room, and jogged down the stairs.

I could hear Axel following me.

I stepped outside the massive front door of the mansion and walked towards the driver's post,

"Take me to the nearest hotel, please."

I could feel Axel's presence behind me.

The driver looked behind me and at Axel, I could see Axel nodding his head in the reflection of the man's glasses.

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