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Axel and I managed to start setting up the iphone before the dinner arrived. We are in the room, although Axel was getting very frustrated to be eating in his bed.

I was laughing everytime he said, "No, no, we are meant to sleep in the beds, not eat in them! I payed to have a HUGE dining room decorated and renovated and we eat in my room? Outrageous." in his sexy French accent.

The dinner was delicious, the pasta was perfectly cooked and so creamy and the parmesan on top was to die for. The pasta was topped with lightly cooked tomatoes and basil leaves. It was amazing. I was definitely going to have to ask for this again.

Axel said I could have any social media apps I wanted and he (of course) added his numbers into my phone. He added his work phone, home phone, mobile phone and his out of country phone, in case he left for business. He also added Xavier's number as well as Marie's.

Axel said that there were only three rules concerning the phone.

The first rule was that I could not post my location, pictures of Axel or of the house. Basically, I could not post anything that could give away my whereabouts or who I was with.

The second rule was that I was not allowed to talk about my situation in detail. If a friend asked me where I had gone, I had to reply that I was on vacation or visiting family or that I spontaneously chose to move to another country.

The third rule was that if I ever had a problem, I had to call Axel first. I had to call every single number before being allowed to call Xavier.

The third rule was only applicable in emergency situations, of course.

I was fine with all of these rules. Axel had his reasons, and I respected that.

Once we had finished having dinner while watching a movie, I went back to my room and got ready for bed.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on some pyjamas and got my book off of the floor. I cuddled into the covers and opened my book. I read until my eyes started to feel heavy, then I dropped the book to the floor and switched off my reading light as I let sleep wash over me.

. . .

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside my window. I slowly swing my legs out of my bed and walked over to my curtains to open them. I opened my balcony door and stepped outside, allowing the breath breeze to hit my face and enter my lungs.

I left the door open as I went to get ready.

I showered, did my skincare and makeup and straightened my hair. I put on a pair of light blue jean shorts and a basic white tank top. I slipped on my sneakers and sprayed my perfume before making my way out the door.

I opened the door, "Good morning, Xherdan!" I said as I walked past him.

"Off to breakfast, Miss Blanche?" He asked.

"Yes. Is Axel down yet?" I asked as I turned my head towards him as I walked down the spiral staircase.

"He should be. Would you like me to call him to make sure?"

"That won't be necessary." I heard Axel say from the bottom of the staircase.

I quickened my step and gave him a hug once I reached him.

"Good morning, ma chérie." He said as we started walking towards the dining hall.

"I was thinking, maybe we could have breakfast in the terrace. It's so beautiful out today."

"That sounds perfect, Axel." I replied as I smiled at him.

Marie was waiting for us in the dining room.

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