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"Talk to me, Fabrice. What do you have for me?" I spoke into my headphones.

It was 5am, I was at the gym. I had Fabrice on the phone and my airpods in, trying to get as much work done today as possible.

"Well I've got a lot of good news for you, Boss." Fabrice replied.

I smiled as I pushed the heavy metal bar above my head, "Give me some."

"Well we've already got enough money to rebuild the club. Do you want to rebuild in the same building or change location?" Fabrice asked.

"Change location," I grunted as I lowered the bar, "People might not want to come back to the same club if they knew it blew up."

I pushed the bar up again, and then back down slowly.

"Got it, Boss. I'll find some possible places and send them to you by this evening."

"Great." I said as I finished my set and placed the bar on the rack of the bench press.

I stood up, "What's the rest of the good news?" I asked as I added 10 kilos to each side of the bar.

"Faranella has been singing like a bird." Fabrice said with a chuckle.

"Good," I said as I lied down again, "What'd he say."

I lifted the bar off the rack and slowly brought it down to my chest before pushing it back up.

"He said that Giovanio wanted to blow up your club as a warning, to try and stop you from making business in his part of town."

"His part of town? Who is he kidding. He should go back to Italy if he wants his own part of the city. What a fucking fool." I replied as I did another rep.

"True, but I don't think we should back down, we don't want to make him think he has any power in Paris." Fabrice replied over the phone.

"Agreed, if anything we need to make sure he knows who Paris really belongs to." I replied as I lifted the bar up again with a slight grunt.

I heard Fabrice taking notes on his laptop.

"So why did he also want to blow up those government buildings and our office." I asked between breaths.

"His attempt to blow up your office was also a warning, and blowing up the government buildings was to make it seem like all of the explosions were linked, to try and get the feds onto us."

"Mais quel gros con celui la." I exclaimed in French.

I did 4 more reps on the bench press before putting the bar back in its rack.

I got up and walked over to the pull up bar, "Fab, I'm about to do some pull-ups to talk to me and I'll tell you what I think when I finish my set."

"Okay, Boss." He said.

There was a moment of silence.

"How many reps are you doing?" Fabrice asked.

"40." I said as I grabbed the bar, and pulled myself up.

"So we could keep asking Faranella what he knows about Giovanio or we could just get rid of him. I think it would be wise to keep him longer in case he has anything else that could be useful for us."

I was 10 pull-ups in.

Fabrice kept talking, "I also have some news about the deal with the Ivan Chernovonich."

Fabrice took a pause. 20 more pull-ups to go.

"He said he would be willing to consider the deal, if he can open a casino in Paris. If we let him do that, he'll give us the 20 million and part of his arsenal."

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