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Sunday and Monday passed by in a flash. All I did was swim, watch movies, play tennis and tan. By now my skin was glowy and tan and my hair had gotten so much lighter.

It was Tuesday morning now. We had a rendezvous at 7:30 with Danielle and her husband, Ellias. It was 6:30 currently, which meant I had 45 minutes to get ready.

"We're matching right?" I asked Axel.

"Of course, Chérie." He replied

I slipped on a white tennis skirt and tucked a pink tshirt into the waist and of the skirt. I slicked my hair back into a high ponytail and braided it. I quickly put on my jewlerry before sitting down at the bathroom vanity and doing my skincare and some very light makeup.

"I brought you a smoothie." Axel said as he set it down next to me.

"Aw, thank you, baby." I said as I smiled at him.

I quickly drank it before brushing my teeth and slipping on my shoes.

Axel was wearing some white sport shorts, a pink polo shirt and some white shoes. His dark hair was slicked back and he had already put in his earrings and his gold chain.

"You look beautiful, Laila." Axel said as he placed a kiss on my lips.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I said with a smile as he pulled me into his body.

We walked out of the door of the villa and jumped into the golf cart.

The drive to the golf course was around 10 minutes and we arrived at the entrance of the club where we got offered some clubs and drinks. We agreed and asked if the rest of our party had arrived. It was only 7:25, they weren't late yet.

We drank the cool lime and mint drinks while waiting, at 7:28, Danielle and Ellias walked through the door of the building.

I walked over to Danielle excitedly and hugged her, "Danielle! How are you?" I asked as I stepped away.

"I'm good! And you? Excited to play some golf?" She said with a smile.

I laughed, "Yes! Very." I replied.

Danielle's husband stuck out his hand for me to shake, "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Ellias. Danielle has told me a lot about you!" He said as we shook hands.

I laughed and allowed Axel to introduce himself to Danielle and Ellias.

They got their welcome drinks as well as their clubs which one of the ladies kindly loaded into one of the club's golf carts. We climbed in and set off towards the start of the course.

We spent around two hours on the golf course, chatting and getting to know each other.

"So, how long have you and Laila known each other?" Ellias asked Axel.

"Well we met a couple weeks ago." Axel paused.

"But it feels like we've known each other for years." We both said at the same time.

I giggled slightly and pecked Axel on the cheek.

"How long have you and Danielle known each other?" Axel asked Ellias.

"Well we met in college while I was doing my last year and she was in her second year. So that's," He paused and counted in his head, "seven years ago. And we got married three weeks ago, we still have 4 weeks left of our honeymoon." Ellias said.

"Wow, that's quite a honeymoon. You like it here so far?" I asked.

"Yes, this island is really nice, but there's not much shopping to do!" Danielle said while laughing.

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