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Axel had taken me back to the house. During the car drive he had explained everything, Laura was a coworker who had gone temporarily rogue. He was trying to get her back into the team so that she didn't spill any of the mafia's confidential information. He was 'flirting' with her to trap her by getting her to 'meet him' in a house where some of Axel's crew would capture her and take her back to their headquarters.

I felt so dumb for believing that he would ever cheat on me, I mean he did kidnap me. We made up and decided to always talk to each other when something was up or if we were upset, but Axel still didn't want to talk about his odd behaviour on the boat.

I was now in my room, laying in my bed after a good night of sleep. The sun had risen and birds were chirping outside of my window.

I grabbed a book from my side table and started reading it from where I left off.

I had really started to enjoy more philosophical books rather than only reading fiction and fantasy books. These classical books helped to open up my perspective and to develop my mind and my overall approach to life and how I viewed things.

I was already more than halfway through this book in just two days. I sat in my bed, basking in the small sliver of sunshine peaking through my window as I flicked each page and fell deeper into the plot of the book.

I was deep inside my book when a knock on my door suddenly brought me back to reality.

"Layla," I heard Axel say, "You ready for breakfast?"

I looked at the clock beside me, it was nearly 10am. I for up and quickly walked to the door, cracking it open, "I lost track of time, give me 30 minutes." I asked as I looked up at Axel.

He looked me up and down, "You look beautiful, common." He said as he pushed the door open and pulled me into the hallway.

"Axel! I'm in my pyjamas." I said sternly as I tried to walk back into my room.

"They're pretty, what's the problem?" Axel asked.

I sighed at him and closed my room door, walking towards the staircase.

All of a sudden I was being swooped up and carried down the stairs.

I giggled as I looked up and saw Axel smiling down at me.

Axel carried me down the stairs and into the dining room.

The sun was shining brightly outside. And I could see the breakfast table set out outside. Axel and I walked hand in hand to the terace and sat down at the table opposite of one another.

We sat down and ate as we looked at the birds and the flowers in the beautiful garden.

I didn't want to bring up what happened, and it seemed that neither did Axel, so we went about our day as usual, having breakfast together, Axel going to work and me reading and relaxing outside.

I was tanning in the garden when Axel came back home.

"Coucou Chérie." He greeted me as he sat down on the lounge chair next to mine.

I turned my head and smiled at him as I enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin.

We sat in silence for a while as we both enjoyed the southern rays of sun.

. . .


After our breakfast together I took the car and went to our safe house. It was about a 30 minute drive and was where I worked from when I wanted to get out of the house but didn't feel like travelling to Paris for the day.

I parked the car inside the hangar and then walked to the small office space.

I pulled my laptop out of my briefcase and opened Layla's file. Something about the lack of information from her life pre-adoption scared me. I had a team of extremely skilled detectives, police officers and hackers attempting to find out about her previous life, but it was like she didn't exist until she was adopted.

Her record didn't even say where she was from before being adopted. I was going to get to the bottom of this, but how was I meant to bring something like this up to Layla? I couldn't just ask her.

I closed the file and got to work, I couldn't let this distract me from important matters.

But even as I worked, I couldn't help but ask myself why there was nothing documented about Layla's life before she was adopted.

I worked most of the day on my computer, for the mafia and for my company, I was going over accounts and the overall well-being of my company and of the mafia in terms of net earnings and trade.

Once I had finished all of my work, I packed up my stuff and made my way back to the house.

I walked through the door and looked for Layla, she was layed down in the garden on a sun chair, tanning.

She was so beautiful. I watched her from a distance for a couple seconds before walking over to her and sitting down next to her.

We stayed in the garden in silence until I asked, "What was your life like before you got adopted?"

I saw Layla's eyes shoot open and her whole body tense up.

"It wasn't a good life." She simply replied, her body relaxing slightly.

"My father was a horrible and abusive man, he was constantly trying to 'train' me to take over the family, since I was the oldest. He barely ever acknowledged my younger siblings, instead he concentrated all of his attention on making my life as miserable and painful as possible." She added as she looked away.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." I replied as I placed my hand on hers.

. . .


Axel's question caught me off guard. I tensed up, I never liked talking about my life before I was adopted. But I couldn't tell him the complete truth either, so I chose my words carefully.

"It wasn't a good life." True.

"My father was a horrible and abusive man," True, "he was constantly 'training' me to take over the family," That was a lie. My biological father was training me to take over his mafia, the Slovakian mafia, a small but violent organisation.

The rest of what I told Axel was the truth, I was the oldest sibling and had younger siblings that barely ever got any attention from our father.

Everyday I blamed myself, they were still in that awful home with that awful man. I could've taken them with me when I ran away, I should've taken them with me. What kind of person was I to leave them behind?

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." Axel said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It's alright." I replied as I smiled at him and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Hey guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short but I wanted to update for you guys 😊. I'm still trying to figure out where to take this story next so please bare with me!!!

On a different note, Ive just started a new story titled "Hood Love" which tells the story of a teen girl living in a dangerous neighbourhood in the US and her life as she is surrounded by gangs. I'd be so grateful if you could check it out and read my first couple of chapters and vote and comment to help me gain some recognition.

As always guys I'm always looking to improve and to make my stories better for you guys, so if you have any recommendations either for this story or for Hood Love, please comment and let me know 💗

I'm so grateful for all of you, I never thought that a story I started writing for fun would get this much attention!!!!

I'm so grateful for all of you and thank you all for supporting me on my journey so far!

With love,

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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