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I held my breath as I swam gracefully through the water. I slowly started batting my feet to push myself back up to the surface. As I broke through the surface of the water, I swiftly slicked my hair back with my hands. I swam towards the edge of the pool and leaned my body against the cool edge. I could feel stares burning through my skin; I looked up and saw all three men staring at me through the bay window.

They were smirking and talking as they looked in my direction.

I quickly turned my back to them and swam slowly to the other side of the pool.

I rested my forearms on the cool stone as I looked out of the glass railing overlooking the jungle, and farther below, the sea.

I let my head fall onto one of my shoulders as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of the cool breeze on my wet skin.

I was abruptly brought back to reality by the clicking sound of expensive shoes on the stone floor.

I whipped around to face the source of the noise. Axel was walking along the edge of the pool towards me. He was holding a glass of a dark brown liquid in his hand. He stopped once he was stood next to me. He slowly knelt down so his face was closer to mine.

"Chérie, do you mind going and getting ready to go to lunch please?" He said before sipping on his drink.

"Sure. Can you come upstairs with me? We need to talk." I replied.

He nodded and followed me back into the house and up the stairs.

Once he shut the door of the bedroom behind him, I turned to face him and asked "Why do you have a gun in the house?" Anger and fear was rising to my face.

"For protection." He replied as he turned away.

"Protection from who, Axel? This house is on a tiny island. What do you possibly need protection from?" I asked, my voice riding slightly.

"Maybe one day I'll be able to tell you." He said as he walked towards the balcony.

"No. You tell me now. I don't understand why you think you need protection." I said, nearly yelling.

I continued, "You already have a bodyguard outside the house. We're on a private island. You don't need to have a gun in the house!" I yelled.

"This is not something for you to decide." He said as he turned back around to look at me.

"Get ready to go to lunch." He said as he walked through the door of the room.

"I'm not going!" I yelled back as he slammed the door shut.

I took off my swim suit and put on a bathrobe before I sat on the bed and turned on the TV.

The news channel automatically turned on:

A tropical storm is heading straight for the Seychelles. All inhabitants are urged to stay inside and make sure they have the necessary items in their households. These include:
- non-perishable food items
- water
- flashlights
- a first aid kit
- backup electricity

The following video will help you prepare your household and family for this sto-

I quickly turned off the TV.

What a nightmare. Being stuck here with Axel until the storm is over sounded horrible due to the state we were both in.

I looked out the window and saw the black clouds in the distance.

There was no way we could get away quick enough to escape the storm.

I layed back down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I wish I was back in New York. In my tiny apartment, walking to work in the morning, stopping at my favourite restaurant when I got off of work late, going out with my friends on the weekends. I missed my ordinary life...

I closed my eyes and let sleep wash over my frustration and sadness as I drifted into sleep.

. . .

I woke up as a flash of bright light lit up the dark sky. A second later, a loud roar of thunder resonated through the room. I grabbed the TV remote and clicked the 'ON' button. The TV clicked to life but the screen was filled with static. I turned it off with a sigh.

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. I brushed my hair and then grabbed some clothes from the closet. I threw on a black bodysuit and a pair of grey sweatpants. I put on my slippers and walked out of the bedroom. I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and saw that it's only contents were a jar of olives and a bottle of milk. I opened one of the drawers and found a bag of microwave popcorn. I rummaged through some more drawers as the popcorn cooked in the microwave. I found some tea packets and honey and quickly filled and turned on the kettle. I grabbed the last peach and cut it up into quarters. I set out my snack onto a plate and walked towards the dining table.

The windows were being pelted with rain, the sound was rather soothing.

I sipped my tea and slowly nibbled on my peach quarters as I let the sound of the rain relax me.

Right before I could finish my snack and clear up, a door slammed. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked to see who it was. Axel was dripping wet and running down the stairs.

"Why did you go outside? Can you not see there's a storm?" I asked sarcastically as I grabbed some more popcorn.

"I've been through much worst, don't you worry." He said in an amused tone.

I rolled my eyes and finished my snack before putting the plate in the dishwasher and slowly walking back up the stairs.

"Layla, wait." I heard Axel say from the kitchen.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around.

"What, Axel?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Let's talk." He said as he walked towards me.

We went up the stairs and to our bedroom. I sat on the bed and he remained standing in front of me.

"Well?" I asked.

"I didn't want to tell you this just yet. But I have to now." He said as he sighed.

He continued, "I just hope you don't think any differently of me after I tell you this."

"Whatever it is, it can't be that bad." I said with a small smile.

"The reason I had a gun in the kitchen, the reason I can provide such luxuries for you..." He paused.

I encouraged him with a small smile.

"It's because I'm part of the mafia." He said as he turned away.

"What?!" I asked, a small laugh escaped my lips.

"This isn't funny, Axel, don't joke like that! This is serious." I said to him as I got off the bed.

I walked in front of him and saw that his expression was unfazed.

"You're serious?" I whispered, shocked.

He nodded and walked away.

"Ok, tell me everything." I said as I grabbed his hand and sat back down on the bed.

"I want to know you, no matter what." I whispered into Axel's ear.

Hey Guys!

I'm so so so so so sorry for not having updated in so long. I know how impatient some of you guys have been!

I hope you enjoy the next few chapters, we're going to be uncovering the characters pasts a little. And then we can get back to the spicy stuff 😽

With love,

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