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The twisting and turning purr of the roads put me fast to sleep. And although I was frightened out of my mind, I felt so at ease, and somehow so safe. I kept dreaming about where the mysterious man was taking me, and although it was naive of me, I hoped he took me to a beautiful garden where I could read and garden to my heart's desire...

And with that peaceful and calming thought on my mind, I fell asleep while leaning my covered head against the cold window.


I awoke with a startle as I heard the unbearable crunch of car tires on gravel. The bag was still covering my eyesight and blocking all of my other senses, and my wrists and ankles were still bound together painfully.

The car came to a smooth halt, and I heard the driver's door open and close after a pair of heavy feet had made contact with the gravel. I heard the crunch of the gravel as the mysterious man made his way to my side of the car.

My ankles were let loose with a snap as he cut through the zip tie with what I assume was a pocket knife. He kept my wrists bound together and he kept the bag on my head as he pulled me out of the car. With one hand on my back and the other on my elbow, we made our way across the gravel. About 20 yards away from the car, the ground changed from gravel to some kind of pavement. The irregularity of the stone sizes and placement made me believe it had been built decades ago. We kept advancing for around 10 more yards. I could feel the temperature decreasing as we entered into a shadow.

The mysterious man pushed open a heavy wood door and pulled me into the entrance hall of the building. As I was walking through the door, my toe caught onto something and I fell fast and hard toward the hard ground. My assailant caught me before my body made contact with the ground.
"Watch your step." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"You could have warned me before I tripped." I replied, annoyed.
He kept quiet and pushed me along the interminable entrance hall.

He lightly pushed me to sit on a wooden chair. He took a few steps back and remained stood very still.
"The wait shouldn't be too long, he'll be here soon." The mysterious man said with a hint of pity and sympathy in his voice.
"He?" I questioned, hoping to get answers. The mysterious man remained silent.
I continued, "Do you mind if I ask you something? What's your name? I mean now that you've kidnapped me I at least deserve to know the name of my attacker." I waited in silence for a moment, tapping my index finger against my thigh.
"Xavier." He said hesitantly.
"Xavier, that's a nice name." A touch of fake enthusiasm in my voice. "It would be even nicer if it wasn't the name of the man who kidnapped me." I continued. Xavier let out an involuntary chuckle in my direction.

I heard the massive wooden doors opening once again. I could hear the click of what sounded like expensive business shoes making their way through the entrance hall.

"Thank you Xavier, that will be all."

                             .·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

EEEE guys I'm so excited for this story!!! I hope you'll love it. I'd also like to say, even though this is a story containing smut, I still believe in a good plot. So please don't hate me if it takes a couple chapters for the characters to warm up to each other!

With love,

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