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Axel had rented out a beautiful beach hut for our dinner. There were candles and pink flowers spread around the table and the walls surrounding us. Axel pulled out my chair for me and I sat down, still admiring the beauty of the scenery.

A waiter came by shortly after to take our order for drinks. Axel ordered a bottle of Laurent-Perrier and the waiter brought out the bottle shortly. I brought my glass up to my lips and taste the sparkling rosé champagne, it was delicious. I took another sip, enjoying the feel of the sparkly liquid on my tongue.

"Do you like the champagne?" Axel asked as he set his glass down.

"Yes, it's delicious. Thank you." I replied with a smile as I brought my glass to my lips once more.

The waiter came back out with the menus and I looked over the options carefully.

One meal in particular peaked my attention: the quinoa and mushroom risotto paired with parmesan and broccolini. It sounded amazing. I smiled at my selection, knowing that it would taste wonderful.

Once the waiter came back to take our order, I ordered first and then listened to Axel ordering the Wagyu steak.

We thanked the waiter and he left the small cabin once again.

"This is so wonderful, thank you so much Axel." I said with a smile as I brought my champagne flute to my lips once more.

"Anything for you, ma chérie." He replied as he grabbed my hand across the table.

We talked and laughed some more until the food arrived.

The waiter set out our meals in front of us and the heavenly smell of my food reached my nose.

"This smells amazing." I said as I grabbed my fork.

I grabbed a forkful of the quinoa risotto topped with grated parmesan and slowly and carefully lifted the fork to my mouth. I slowly chewed on the risotto, it was divine.

We ate mostly in silence except for a couple jokes and some light conversation.

When we had both finished our plates I was full as an egg. Axel had let me taste some of his beef, which was delicious. And he had some of my risotto, which he liked as well. We skipped on dessert and finished the champagne bottle instead.

We left the cabin after Axel settled the bill and Axel turned to me and said, "Let's go walk on the beach." I agreed and followed him towards the shore.

The sand was wet and I took off my heels and carried them in my hands.

My feet sunk slightly into the damp sand as we walked along the ocean.

"Let me hold those for you." Axel said as she reached for my heels.

"What a gentlemen." I said with a smile as I handed him my heels.

We walked in silence for a few minutes longer.

"Laila-" He paused, "I live a dangerous life, and I understand if you want no part in it. I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to do." He said as he looked straight ahead.

"I know." I replied as I looked at my feet.

"I know that you live a dangerous life, I can't possibly imagine how dangerous, but I think I have some idea. I want to be a part of your life, I want to be with you." I said as I turned to look at him.

Axel turned to look at me and grabbed me by the waist, spinning him around him.

I laughed loudly as I said, "Axel! Put me down!"

Sinful Desires | 18+Where stories live. Discover now