Chapter 18- Hannah

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I really don’t know what made me do it. I wasn’t feeling good and that was legit. I even hallucinated. My head was pounding and Liam just seemed so nice to me right now. He had a few bruises from where John beat him up, but surprisingly he recovered fairly well after being taken care of by me. (an using a bit of my mermaid magic) Whenever I was near him my heart just pounded from my chest and I couldn’t get him out of my mind. It was the Harry situation all over again. I vowed that I would never fall in love again but yet here I am stuck in the middle of loving Liam and Harry. James was out of the question. There was absolutely no way on Earth that I would date that fudge face. All the pain he made me go through with the cutting and the bullying, I was done. My heart will never be completely fixed with the pieces he stole and never gave back. I guess that sounds cheesy, doesn’t it. Well here I am, being torn over three guys, all having advantages in their own ways. I hardly knew Liam, but he made me feel comfortable so that’s why I showed him. Harry was so funny and protective, but I don’t know if I will ever show him. I feel a dark presence within him that I’m sure he’s not even aware of. Then there’s James, my best friend since preschool who turned against me when I needed it the most. The one who’s the reason I cut, the reason I have had over three failed suicides, the reason I cry myself to sleep every night. I tell myself I’m over him but deep down I know that I will never stop caring about him. It pains me to admit this but when he came to apologize, I was leaping for joy, I was glad he still cared. I am over my huge crush, but I still love him, just not in that way. All of these things make my life so much harder. Why was there love in this world?? I wish that I would love one person and no one would get in my way. I’ve been hurt too much to make a comeback. I shut down after James left me. I knew he would never come back and when he did I ruined it. Now I’m stuck between loving my ex and two people who I don’t even know. All of these thoughts kept playing in my head as I waited for Liam to respond to my secret. He stood there mesmerized by me. His jaw was ajar and his eyes didn’t leave my tail.

“Hellloooo??” I asked Liam. He shook his head.

“What??” he questioned.

“Are you going to respond or stand there like an idiot?” I asked him.

“I’m just in a bit of shock. If someone just revealed the biggest secret of their life how would you react??” He asked me.

“Fine, but it would be nice to have a better reaction than just shock. What are you thinking right now?” I interrogated suspicious. I was worried because he was furrowing his eyebrows.

“Well I’m thinking ‘HOLY SHIZNIT MY NEW BFF IS A FREAKING MERMAID AND PROBABLY HAS MAGIC POWERS.’” He exaggerated. I laughed and I pulled his arm close to me. His face came near mine.

“I have some magic powers that are amazing. Wanna see??” I whispered softly in his ear. His arm formed goose bumps and he nodded.

“Come on in then.” I told him. He pulled off his shirt to reveal his asdfghjkl; abs and I may have died a little. I didn’t think it was possible to get better than James’s abs but that proved me wrong. They were like sculpted from God. I silently gave a prayer to God in thanks of creating abs. He slid in the huge tub and I pulled him underwater. I held his hand and I could feel his emotions. He was pulsing with joy and happiness and that made me happy.

“It’s pretty cool that you can breathe underwater, right??” I asked him. I wasn’t about to tell him about me reading his emotions. That was my little secret.

“YES!!!” He yelled underwater. It was a little fuzzy and bubbly but I could understand him since I spoke all the undersea creatures’ languages.

“Can we go to the ocean and swim there??” He asked me in excitement. I floated to the top with him and I nodded in reply. He leapt for joy and we snuck outside. We had to climb out the window of my room since my parents were downstairs. The beach near my house was a short walking distance away. I heard the waves calling my name.

“Haaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh…..” They faintly whispered. It was music to my ears.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh….” Was what they repeated. It was like they worshipped me.

“Come on Liam!!!” I said as I grabbed his arm. He was still in his shorts and I was in my swimsuit. I pulled him underwater and my legs were merged together. I felt Liam grab my arm tighter and I fought against the waves to get to calm water. I went deeper and deeper and the water got darker. I no longer had the moon to guide me. I didn’t want to freak Liam out any more than I already had but I needed to see, so I turned on my lights in my eyes. Next thing I knew we were sinking.


Ok sooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating in forever. i had family over for spring break and they styed in the computer room and its hard not to get caught writing when they live in there, so i stayed quiet for a few days. My ipad doesnt type well either so i was completely blocked from wattpad. Oh well. Heres my new crappy chapter. i think i may go back to some of my previous chapters and add more to the story. and change the timing of it all. i mean, this is alot of events to happen in one day, imma change it to about a week or two weeks to make it more reasonable. Please stick with me and then i will be posting new chapters ASAP!!! ILY! <333 and be sure to check out my new idea too, its called Unitopia (the untold story of the unicorn war) It would mean alot to me!!

-Hannah Jayne Miner the MERLEPRECORN (mermaid, unicorn, leprechaun. i got that nickname from my friends at school. Ill tell you later. ;)) THANKS AGAIN I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. ok bye for realsies now XD

Washed (A One Direction fanfiction)(Original)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя