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By Friday afternoon the entire house is buzzing. Not only with excitement and extra voices but also, literally buzzing. Our living room has turned into a tattoo parlor and Kyle and Viv have set up shop working on just about everyone in the house so far. It's loud and rowdy and absolutely perfect.

Leah and Clint got here about an hour ago and Leah is now sipping mimosas with Kenna, Marine and I by the pool. I can hear Austin's booming laugh over everyone else and it makes me smile every time. He's currently trying to talk Clint into his first tattoo and we are all trying to get him to just do it.

"Just pull the trigger Clint! It is a gateway drug though, that first one... this wasn't intended to be a full sleeve at first!" I said laughing and gesturing to my arm as I peeked my head in through the open glass doors.

"Just think about the cool story you will have!!! You came to Post's birthday party and got a tattoo baby! Tattoos are sexy!" Leah chimed in from beside me. I'll never get used to her calling a whole ass man by a pet name. This girl has changed. And I love it.

"Listen to your girl Clint. She even said they were sexy..." Austin nudged him in the ribs with his elbow. Kyle yelled at him for moving while he was placing his transfer paper.

"God damn it Austin stop FUCKING moving. I swear to god if you weren't my friend you would be my worst client. You are always fucking moving!!!"

"Sorry. Sorry bro. I'll be still I swear. Sorry.."

"Do it Clint..." Adam "be cool like us.."

"Ohh peer pressure..." Leah giggled.

"You really think I should baby girl?" Clint looked over at her with complete and utter fear in his eyes. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Yes! It's fun and it's a funny memory. Get something cool on your forearm. It's sexy I swear!" She said kissing his cheek.

"Get my face!!!" Austin said smiling and blinking. We all busted out laughing. "Ohh! And I'll do part of it, you can say you got a Post Malone tattoo, by Post Malone at Post Malone's birthday party!! You can't get any more badass than that."

"I really beg to differ on that bro, but you keep that energy.." Kyle snickered.

"Not getting your ugly mug on my arm.. she said sexy, not scary..." Clint said with a laugh.

"Hey now!!" I yelled, laughing myself. "I take offense to that one. I happen to think this face is very sexy."

"Then you get one!" Clint countered.

"I am! Right on my ass cheek, where it belongs..." I doubled over laughing as Austin looked at me with a shocked face, his mouth hanging open as he laughed.

"You little asshole!" He grabbed at me but missed and Kyle threw his hands up in defeat, snatching the transfer paper off Austin's back and wadding it in a ball.

"You did it AGAIN! Now I have to start over. Will you girls leave so I can try and regain control over this situation?" Kyle lit a cigarette and smacked Austin in the back of the head.

Viv chuckled as she bent over Adam's arm working away. "Thank you for being a model client Adam. You haven't moved a muscle."

"Ha! I'm better than youuuu..." Adam slung at Austin.

"I'm about to come over there and kick the table so she fucks it up.." Austin said.

Viv sat up and pointed her tattoo gun at him. "You make me fuck up and I'll change those skulls to kittens..."

"You act like that would upset me Viv, demon kittens sound fucking badass."

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. Laughing at the banter that hasn't seemed to stop since we woke up this morning.

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