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It was hot. Scorching, blazing hot. I'm from Georgia, it gets so hot and humid there that you can't ever get dry or comfortable come about mid August. Today, in early June in Phoenix feels like those days only multiplied by about 10 and it's only 2 in the afternoon. The light grey concrete of the balcony scorched my feet as I hurried over to the shade of an umbrella covering a table and a couple chairs in the corner. I lit a cigarette and pulled my feet into the chair.

We had just woken up about a hour ago, long enough for a very sweet good morning and for Austin to run with Smitty, Adam and Jay to get us all food and coffee. I had walked out here expecting to warm up a little in the sun from the icebox of a bedroom Austin insisted on sleeping in. I was not expecting it to be like walking onto the actual surface of the sun. I was beginning to dread walking back across the concrete floor to the room.

I smoked my cigarette and looked out over the city. It shimmered and steamed in the unforgiving sun, the buildings far away from me looking like sliver flashes in the heat. I was getting a headache just from being out here for a few minutes. This is insanity, why would anyone choose to live here.

As if it was summoned at my thought a tiny brown lizard scurried up and over the railing of the balcony near me and across the hot concrete, up the table leg and onto the table top across from me. He stopped and looked at me with his tiny beady eyes. "How do you do it Mr Lizard? It's fucking hot out here my dude. Is that why you chill under this umbrella?" He licked his eyeball and continued to stare at me.

The sliding door opened and Austin walked out. "I'm not crazy enough to sit out here and eat, you are welcome to, but I will not be joining you." He laughed and held my coffee out to me.

"You don't want to eat with me and my friend?"

"Friend? What is over there??" He said worriedly "I hear there are fucking scary ass spiders here. I'm not interested in that bullshit Sara!" He slowly walked over to the table.

"Scaredy cat. It's just a lizard. He's tiny. We were chatting." I said as Austin walked over, I pointed to the tiny lizard it looked up at Austin and licked his eyeball again.

"Chatting? Are you still high sweetheart?"

I started laughing and shook my head. "No! I was just asking him why the hell he chose to live in this godforsaken heat.. he hadn't answered me yet."

I stretched my hands out to Austin, as the lizard ran back under the table. "Carry me.." I pouted out my bottom lip like a toddler. "The pavement is way hotter than I thought it would be." Austin laughed and rolled his eyes. He handed me my coffee and scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to our bedroom,plopping me on the side of the bed.

"You look awfully cute this morning..." he smirked at me. I had thrown his button up from last night on, half buttoned and my underwear I dug out of the pocket of his discarded jeans.

"I look awfully lazy this morning, you mean. This was all the effort I could muster. Plus since you packed my bag you forgot comfy. All I have is lingerie and the few things i asked you to throw in." I said with a laugh as I started eating my turkey sandwich, the breakfast of champions.. when breakfast is at 2pm.

"Or maybe I did that on purpose so you would be forced to either wear lingerie, my clothes or be nude... either I'm forgetful or I'm an excellent planner. I'll let you decide. I'd definitely put money on forgetful thought." He laughed. "That's my fault, but it seems to work in my favor so, jokes still on you."

"Your clothes are more comfortable than mine anyway..." I laughed. He sat on the bed beside me and we ate In comfortable silence for a bit.

"Wanna come watch me sound check? It's not anything super exciting..." he seemed nervous to ask me.

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