•fifty six•

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"Pineapple on pizza is an abomination and I might be reconsidering my proposal, not sure I can be associated with the likes of you."

"Austin you are so dramatic. Pineapple is delicious on pizza. It's one of my favorites." I said leaning over the counter and snatching the bag of mozzarella cheese from his hand. "Plus it's going on MY pizza. You don't have to eat it. You are gonna have the meat sweats after eating that damn thing." I said gesturing at his mounded over pizza as I shoved shredded cheese in my mouth and continued to add it to mine. Britt nudged my leg and I casually dropped a few shreds on the floor for her.

"Fruit doesn't belong on pizza. End of discussion.."

"Tomatoes are a fruit. Wrong answer."

"Not a REAL fruit. You know what I mean." Austin continued to carefully stack pepperonis on his pile of layered meat and cheese.

"If pineapple isn't supposed to be on pizza then how come every pizza restaurant has it on the menu?" I said cocking my head to the side as I opened the oven and slid the pan holding my pizza into the oven. I leaned back against the counter, one hand still in the bag of cheese. Britt nudged my leg again and I accidentally let some fall out of my hand as I shoved it in my mouth.

Austin laughed and gave me a cocky grin. "Someone in this house has been to Italy.... More than once... and someone in this house has ordered pizza in Italy... more than once. There is NEVER pineapple on the menu sweet cheeks..." he said with a wink and a click of his tongue.

I rolled my eyes at him and ate another hand full of cheese. "Because it's HAWAIIAN pizza Austin... DUH!"

"Will you give me that!" He said snatching the cheese back and shoving a handful in his own mouth. "And stop feeding it to her!" He said pointing at Britt as I giggled at him. "You are gonna make her fat!"

I gasped in shock and dropped to Britt's side, clapping my hands over her satellite ears. "Don't you dare speak about a lady like that! You will hurt her feelings! She ran around those woods all day today. She can have some snacks. Calling this beautiful girl fat... no wonder she likes me more." I leaned over and kissed her on the snout as Austin groaned.

"Oh my god. And you call me dramatic." He said with an eye roll of his own. He bumped me away from the oven with his hip and slid his pizza in beside mine. Closing the door and grabbing me by the hips, pulling me close to him. I rested my hands on the soft cotton of the shirt covering his chest. "No pineapple on pizza, hippie." He said and kissed me with a wet pop. "And you taste like cheese." I threw my head back and laughed. "My beautiful smile... there it is. I've seen it a lot this weekend love."

"Your's too baby. I'm glad you have been able to relax. I can see it in your eyes, and your smile." I cupped his face in my hands as he leaned his head over, resting into my palm. I rubbed my thumbs across his cheeks. "If you didn't have your doctor appointment about your hand on Monday, I would beg to stay here the rest of the week. Oh and Doris' cake! We have to practice Austin!"

"I told you we would! I didn't forget. After dinner. You and I will be lighting a fire out on that back deck sweetheart."  I laughed pressing his lips to mine. He slid his hands down around my ass and picked me up, sitting me on the counter and deepening the kiss. "I have a feeling we won't be staying too long at the bar anyway Mami.. once I get you on that dance floor, I'll need to get your sweet ass home." He said with a growl, nipping at my lip.

"You have zero self control, Mr Post." I said giggling into his lips as his hands crept up my shirt.

"Never claimed to have much, but with you? You are damn right, zero self control." He slipped his hands over my bare breasts under my shirt, gently squeezing and teasing his thumbs across my nipples.

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