•thirty three•

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"Wait, so you have one of those in your garage, like attached to your house? How does it not just burn the place down..." I said shaking my head as Austin showed me a video of a man beating a red hot slab of metal with a hammer.

"Mine's not as big as his.."

"That's what she said.." I interrupted with a giggle.

"I knew that was coming.. you are worse than me... Anyway." I could hear the eye roll in his voice. He was slightly propped up on his pillows and I was laid across his chest, his arms around us both as he held his phone where we could both see. "You turn it on and off. You can't just keep it burning, it would definitely burn the place down, but it's like a fireplace. Also it's technically not IN the garage, it's beside it."

"So I can tell my Nan you are 'has his own knife forging... fireplace' rich?" I asked with a curious laugh.

"If you think it would impress her then yes, definitely.." he chuckled and kissed the top of my head, and continued telling me about what the guy was doing on the video.

"See now isnt that pretty fucking cool?" He said when it was over, I had to agree it was pretty badass.

"Ok you are right, I never thought about how cool that would be. And it definitely looks like something you would do for fun.."

"Told you so..." he chided, placing his phone in the nightstand and burying his face in my hair. He let out a heavy sigh and ran his fingers down my arm. "You ok sweetheart, after last night?" His voice softened with his question.

"I feel much better honestly, my arm looks like hell though.." I raised my arm and turned it over, showing him the crook of my elbow. It was even worse looking tonight, the blue, purple and blood red splotches covering almost the entirety of the soft skin there.

"Oh my god Sara! I didn't see that until now. Oh that makes me nauseous and incredibly sad, does it hurt baby?" He delicately ran his finger on the bruise.

"No, it really doesn't hurt at all. It looks fucked up though, I agree with you on that... I'm good though baby. Really, I'm fine." I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed his knuckles, lacing my fingers with his and placing them both on my chest.

"I'm glad you feel better baby, I worried about you today... I.... I wasn't really talking about that as much as I was everything else... after we talked last night. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I know it was a lot.. to take in and to talk about and I just.. you were on my mind a lot today.." he said quietly, using the hand that wasn't tangled in mine to brush my bangs out of my eyes and drag his finger down my cheek.

I shifted so I could look at him more comfortably and took my fingers from his, stretching my arm across his chest. "Truthfully?... I'm worried.."

"About what I told you..you have every right to be." He said, his eyes turning down and going cold.

"No Austin. Nothing about what you told me worries me, that's not what I meant... the more I think about what you told me the more I realize how that person you told me about isn't you. When she got scared, who did she look for?" I looked at him, trying to convince him I was sincere.

"Me.. and I didn't.."

"Stop. Let me finish." I put my finger to his lips. "You said your house was packed, her friends were there, she knew Scott was outside.. even though you said you two weren't even hardly speaking at the time, when she got scared and knew there was trouble she looked for YOU Austin. That says more than you think. Your response to her situation was fueled by the fact that you were high. You were not thinking rationally. Austin was not in control that night, other things were."

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