•twenty seven•

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I rolled over realizing I had no clue what time it was, between the time zone change and the blackout curtains I was slightly disoriented. I had slept like a rock and for a second I panicked bc I had a pretty good idea Austin didn't set any sort of alarm for us to be awake for dinner tonight, but I decided that if he didn't care, neither did I. All knew that at this moment I was absolutely starving.

I slid out from under Austin's arm, his deep soft breaths never changing, thank goodness. I sat up on the side of the bed and grabbed my tee shirt and panties from the floor and threw them on. I reached for my phone, 3:30pm. I sighed with relief that it wasn't as late as I thought.

I walked across the room and quietly closed the door behind me as I made my way to the kitchen area hoping by some wild chance there was something here to eat. If not I was definitely ordering room service, I suddenly wondered if they had pizza, nothing sounded better than pizza at this very moment.

I found the menu for room service, and was extremely disappointed there was no pizza on the menu. I giggled to myself, this place was way fancier than anywhere I had ever stayed. I decided my only option was to text Scott because I wasn't completely sure I could just call up Dominos and have them deliver to a private penthouse.

Heyyyy... Scott. Are you busy?

I sat my phone on the counter and opened the fridge, extremely happy to see ice cold bottles of water. I grabbed one and popped it open taking a long drink. My phone buzzed on the counter.

Never too busy for you, what's up?

You are gonna think I'm crazy but I'm starving, Austin's still sleeping and I NEED a pizza. 🥹 I figured a pizza delivery guy showing up wanting to get in the PH wouldn't go over well.

You are right about that Miss. Your wish is my command..

I text Scott what I wanted and settled on the couch in the massive living area and decided I would call Leah, I was missing her terribly and even though we had managed to send a text here and there since I had been gone, I definitely missed talking to her. I sent her a text seeing if she was able to FaceTime and my phone started buzzing almost immediately.

Leah's face popped up on my screen, she was in her office at work, leaning back in her desk chair, I could see the stormy skyline of the city behind her.

"Moons!!!!" She squealed as the audio finally connected.

I laughed "Hey Lee.. miss you sis..." I said blowing her a kiss. She did the same as a big smile spread across her face. "Why are you still at work!?" I asked realizing it was way later than her usual time to go home.

"Well it's raining like a bitch here, Clint is working a party literally across the street from here and so he brought me dinner and I'm meeting him in a bit to crash an extremely posh birthday party for some chef. I don't even remember his name. The dinner was fantastic though, he snuck me an extra plate.." she giggled and panned her phone around to show me her almost empty fancy gold plate sitting on her desk.

I laughed with her.."Sounds fucking amazing actually. I haven't eaten all day and I'm waiting on pizza. I literally just rolled out of bed. We flew into Phoenix this morning and crawled directly in bed and passed out. This life is crazy Leah. I honestly don't understand how anyone could do this long term.."

"Well you better get used to it sis, you are the rockstar's wife now.." she smirked at me as she took a bite of what looked like cheesecake. "Jesus Christ. Tell your man he needs to make some famous chef friends, this cheesecake is the best thing I've ever tasted..." her eyes rolled back in her head.

"Not his wife Lee.." I giggled. "I'm just his girlfriend.. but we have a big private dinner with his entire team here tonight, I'm definitely looking forward to that meal. I... I met his dad this morning." I could feel myself turning red.

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