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We were several beers and several games into our makeshift tournament. Everyone was having fun, laughing, shit talking. The music was just loud enough that we hoped the cops wouldn't be called, this was a small neighborhood. Cigarette and weed smoke hung in the air as Eli had busted out some of his uncle's homegrown to share with everyone.

"Sometimes it's a good thing to have the small town kids hanging around boys.." he had said when Adam complimented his stash.

I took a deep toke of the joint Smitty passed me and looked at Austin, he waved it off.

"I'm good gorgeous, you enjoy yourself." Tossing his empty Bud Light can into a nearby trash can and catching a new one Jay tossed his direction. "Just don't impair your judgement too much, we still have one more game to win after this, and I basically carried us for the entire first game." He teased poking me in the ribs with the hand he had resting on my side.

"I warned you I needed a warm up round but you insisted I would be fine!" I leaned back into his chest, enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. I was standing between his legs while he sat on a barstool against the wall, intently watching the game going on in front of us.

Smitty lined up his shot, putting his finger to his lips and trying to shush the room, which only made us all heckle him louder.  He shook his head and let the ball go, it landed perfectly in the remaining cup on the table. Tia jumped up and down yelling in celebration, Smitty giving her a victory kiss.

"Fuckin losers!!!!" He shouted at Adam and Kenna across the room as they both hung their head in shame and Adam downed the contents of the last cup.

"Rack 'um up Kenna, Sara and I have a championship to win!" Austin placed a kiss on the side of my face as he stood up behind me and guided me towards the table.........

Austin dipped his fingers holding the ball into the cup to his side and flicked the excess off with an expert wrist. Jesus, everything this man did just fueled the fire that was already burning inside me for him. It was ridiculous at this point. The alcohol in my blood stream was only multiplying this effect.

"Easy shot Big Boy, I've seen you sink them all night." I said, just loud enough for him to hear me.

He cut his eyes at me quickly, a wicked grin on his face. "You're right, easy.. shot.."

The ball left his fingers and plopped effortlessly into the  winning cup. Austin let out a loud whoop and grabbed me by the waist. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He looked at me with a huge smile lighting up his entire face and brought his lips to meet mine. The sound of everything around us dimmed and I felt my heart beating out of my chest. He quickly broke the kiss, looking me deep in the eyes and taking several deep breaths.

"We did it champ! You don't have to surrender that shitty tin can trophy now do you?" His hands slid down cupping my ass as he spun around making me laugh.

"Oh god don't spin Austin, I don't want to celebrate this win by puking on the table!" I dug my fingers into his shoulders and buried my face into the Eagle tattoo on his neck.

He stopped and I dropped to the ground, my hands sliding down his chest as he pulled me into his side.

"Well congratulations Sara, I guess we will never have the glory of the throne" Tia laughed as Smitty shook his head.

"Way to fucking jinx us T. No wonder we lost!" Smitty grabbed her hand and led her off to find Eli for another joint.

Austin looked down at me and smiled. "Come with me, I want to take a smoke break." He pulled two cigarettes out of a pack laying on the barstool he was sitting on before, putting one in his lips and the other behind his ear. Lacing his fingers through mine he guided me to a sliding glass door off of the dining room.

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