•fifty eight•

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Cowboy Austin was going to be a  problem for me. Like a real problem. Especially in the tight ass Wranglers and those damn cowboy boots from the night we met, that he was currently walking around our bedroom in. Definitely a huge problem, good god. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, not that I ever could before but sweet Jesus, this was next level. He was currently shrugging into a soft blue plaid shirt, buttoning it up and tucking it into his light wash jeans, rolling up the sleeves just right on his forearms, another thing that drove me out of my fucking mind. I knew he was watching me, watching him, even if I was trying to hide it behind touching up my makeup. He gave me a knowing smirk when he stepped out of the closet holding that damn leopard print belt, sliding it through his belt loops and adjusting the silver buckle.

"You need me to get you a towel baby? For your chin? Hell by the way you are looking at me I feel like I need to get you some dry panties too.." he chuckled with that cocky smile.

"If you put on an actual cowboy hat, I'm going to have a real issue with keeping things family friendly tonight. I did NOT know this was a thing for me.. fuck.." I whined. "And of course that damn belt. Austin. You don't play fair."

He just laughed, his boots clicking on the floor of the closet as I heard him rumbling around. He walked out and placed a perfect black Stetson on his head. My heart nearly stopped. Shit. Shit shit shit. I'm fucking glad I'm on the pill because just seeing him like this could make me ovulate on demand.

"This night is not gonna end well for me." I groaned from my stool. Austin laughed and came up behind me, pulling me to my feet.

"Sweetheart, I have a feeling it's going to end very, very well for you." He said grinning at me from under that damn hat. "And look at you baby, you look way too damn gorgeous to coming home with the likes of me..."

Kenna had taken me to one of her favorite boutiques this afternoon and I had found myself a sexy little dusty pink slip dress. It was short gauzy cotton, with bit of fullness to the skirt, perfect for twirling, not that I tested it out before I bought it or anything. The top was a tight triangle style with multiple spaghetti straps that crossed over my shoulders and wove together in the back. There was lace trim and details along the front. It dipped low between my breasts and had a sheer panel of lace under them connecting to the skirt. It matched the embroidery on my boots perfectly. I felt so pretty in it.

"I mean, Kenna did say we were gonna to try to bring some hot guys home from the bar tonight. Gosh, I hope the selection is good." I bit my lip to try and stifle my laugh but Austin puffing up like a pissed off rooster had it tumbling out of me.

He turned on his heel and stepped back into the closet, coming back out a moment later sliding several chunky sliver rings on his fingers. "If I have to punch some drunk sleezeball tonight, I'm gonna make it count."

I giggled and walked over to him, standing on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. He was even taller in those boots. "Dont worry big boy, with these damn jeans on? I'd be a disgrace to all womankind if I didn't take you home."

"I hope to god I don't have to punch anyone or anything tonight. I'm trying to cut back." He chuckled.

"Jokes, all the jokes."

"Come here, I want to piss you off real good before we leave.."

"What?! What do you mean? Austin I swear if it's something you bought me!!"

"Didn't buy anything. Come here!" He called from inside the closet. I reluctantly followed him in. He had his hand behind his back, I knew this stance.

"What do you have? It better not be anything with diamonds in it. Austin! It's your birthday tomorrow, I don't want gifts from you!" I complained.

"I said I didn't buy anything. Just hear me out!"

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