•twenty one•

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We spent the rest of our last afternoon a repeat of yesterday, swimming and enjoying the water, making out while the waves pulled and crashed into us. I spent most of the afternoon tangled around Austin's waist, neither of us wanting to have the other out of fingers reach. We sat on the huge lounger and talked, our conversation never feeling rushed or forced, it really was like we were best friends that had just reunited after years apart. We laughed with and AT each other, and at ourselves all afternoon.

Austin was jogging back from the house, bringing two beers in coozies in his hands. The sun was just starting to turn the clouds bright pink and purple, the sky turning orange. He reached me and passed me one of the cans, popping it open for me, pressing his lips to my cheek as I took a drink. "Sorry sweetheart, I had to move the jeep into the garage at the main house. I definitely think it's gonna storm later.." he said pointing to the sky in front of us as he handed me a cigarette and lit his own. Cupping his hand around mine and lighting mine as well. We started our little walk, the same as yesterday.. more clouds in the sky this evening. There was a huge grey cloud out in the gulf, we caught flashes of lightning every so often, still to far away to hear the thunder.

"I hope it does storm. I absolutely love thunderstorms, rainy days are my favorite. I bet watching a storm from our little house here would be amazing." I said smiling at him. He laughed, shaking his head. "What? Why are you laughing?" I asked, his giggle always making me smile.

"It's just funny how much we have in common, of course you love thunderstorms and rainy days..." he said smiling. "I love watching the storms roll in over the mountains from the couch in my living room. I have this cool rain chain thing that hangs from the corner of my patio just outside my bedroom, too... I think you will like it.." he got quiet, trailing off. Watching the sky, seeming to get nervous. He took the last draw of his cigarette, flicking the cherry out into the sand and unzipping a pocket in his shorts and putting the butt in it.

"Why are you getting nervous big boy?" I said, passing him my smoke as well, watching him do the same with mine. "Also, I can't get a pair of fucking jeans with real pockets and your SWIM TRUNKS have pockets? Of course they do. Men get all the goddamn pockets."

He laughed, lacing his fingers with mine as we kept walking. "I have heard pockets are a huge commodity when it comes to women's clothing..." he put his can to his lip, taking a drink. "I just hope you like Utah.. it's my home, and I just.. I just want you to like it there. I hope that you will want to spend a lot of time there." He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, his cheeks turning pink.

"The way you talk about it makes me excited to visit there baby...everything about it sounds beautiful and if you are there then it will make it perfect. I'm sure I will love it." My mind flashing back to the reality that would be waiting on me when I headed back to Leah and I's apartment in a few weeks. Having totally forgotten that I would be homeless in less than 3 months. I took a deep breath, blowing my bangs off my forehead with a huff.

"You seem stressed.." Austin chuckled, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles and sipping his drink.

"Ugh..  I don't want to think about it really, but yeah, finding a new apartment isn't easy in the area I really like, and especially when I'm not sure if Leah is moving with me or not...it's just a lot to think about and deal with. I had put it out of my mind the past few days." I said, dragging my feet along in the wet sand, taking a deep drink of my own can.

"You moving? I didn't realize. Moving sucks.." he said, still rubbing his thumb across my hand, seeming to reassure me of things I wasn't sure I was even aware of.

"Yeah, our lease is up in July. We decided not to renew, the place is two big for just the two of us and the neighbors kinda suck." I laughed, thinking of all the times Leah Eli and I got yelled at by the lady and her yappy dog for literally any and everything. "Just no idea where I'm going to move yet. I've put some feelers out but I'm just not finding anything.."

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