•fifty two•

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Austin wasn't wrong. He was right about a few things but Brit finding her way into our bed was definitely one of them. I had woken slightly when Austin kissed my neck softly, told me he loved me and slipped out from under the sheets. I didn't let on that I was awake, I was far too sleepy to protest plus he needed to work, if he knew I was still awake he would have never left.

"She gets cold Brit. Keep her warm.." I heard him whispering to her as he quietly slipped out of the room closing the door behind him. I had just started slipping back to sleep when I heard her shake off and felt the duvet start to wiggle at the end of the bed. She pushed her nose under it and slowly worked her way under it, she finally flopped down, her back plastered tightly to mine and let out a content sigh. I giggled and reached around and gave her a little pat before telling her goodnight and falling back asleep.

I'm not sure how long it had been but it was still dark outside when I rolled in my sleep, snuggling into Brit and I went to throw my arm over her when the ache in my shoulders made it very apparent why I had woken up in the first place. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but it was clear Austin had definitely put me through the wringer. It gave me a chill at first, thinking back to our escapade earlier, definitely the kinkiest sex I've ever had in my life, and the fact that I was a sore as I was from it. I shook my head and laughed at myself, I'm in pain but still can't help but wonder when we can do it all over again. I grumbled and tried to get comfortable but it was futile. I finally broke down and decided to go take some Advil and hope it helped, it wasn't unbearable but it was uncomfortable, even if it was pretty fucking hot. God I'm a weird bird....

I slipped out of the bed, Brit lifting her head but wasn't bothered enough to get out of her cozy spot. I grabbed one of Austin's shirts out of the dresser drawer and groaned a little as I raised my arms to put it over my head. My hips were also sore but it was definitely a good ache. I laughed at my weirdness and slipped down the hall to the kitchen for a bottle of water and a handful of ibuprofen.

I padded barefoot into the kitchen and opened the cabinet where I had last put the bottle and shook out a few into my palm before downing them with a long drink of water. I noticed Austin's splint for his finger on the counter and mentally chastised him for taking it off. I should have known he wasn't wearing it if he was writing. I had been on his ass for not wearing it like he should and hoped like hell he wasn't doing some sort of lasting damage. He swore it no longer hurt like it did but I had a feeling he was lying. There had definitely not been enough time for it to heal, although I do need to check his stitches.

I thought about leaving him be, I didn't want to interrupt him but my curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed him a beer and headed down the hall to his music room. The door was shut, but I could see him through the glass, sitting cross legged on the couch. Barefoot and in flannel pj pants and a white tee shirt, his guitar in his lap, cigarette between his lips. He stopped playing and rubbed his hand over his head and took a pen to paper that was balanced on his knee. I hesitated again, he looked deep in the middle of whatever he working on, I didn't want to disturb him.

About the time I had decided to turn around and head back to the bedroom, he must have felt me watching him because he cut his eyes my direction and took a double take. He gave me a soft smile and motioned for me to come in.

"What's up creeper.." he laughed as I opened the door and came in, closing it behind me. "You ok love? Why you up baby.." he scooted over on the couch and patted the cushion next for me to sit.

I walked over and sat beside him, handing him the beer I brought him and leaning into his shoulder, kissing his bicep. "Just rolled over, needed water, curiosity got the best of me. I also came to give you shit about your splint."

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