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I sat up on the side of the bed and pulled my overnight bag towards me, I started digging through it looking for my swimsuits. I giggled and started singing..

I just came down from the high of my life
I just, I just came down from the high of my life
See us popping' champagne, we can do it all night
And if anything gone bad, we gonna make it all right..

Austin laughed. "Aren't you clever? I was thinking more along the lines of 'put that bitch pussy in a motherfuckin body bag.." but that works I guess."

"Austin!!! You are awful!" I laughed and threw a pillow at him. "Funny as hell but AWFUL!"

"What?! It's your favorite song!" He laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him as i started dressing. I pulled on a pink racer back bikini that was covered in strawberries and white daisies.

"Strawberry Shortcake.." Austin teased.

"Hey I think is so cute!!!" I laughed as I started French braiding my hair, something I've been able to do since I was a kid.

"I think it's absolutely adorable, and seeing you go from this.." he picked up my lingerie by one of the straps and held it up "to this cute as hell shit you have on now... mmm baby I can't get enough. These are the kinda secrets I like.." he winked at me as he tossed the tangled black fabric on the bed. "Also.. how the fuck are you braiding your hair like that.. like to yourself??? I've never in my entire life seen anything like that... girls are fucking crazy man...." He watched me with his tilted grin as I laughed and finished wrapping the tie onto the ends.

"Some secrets definitely are worth having big boy.." I bit my lip and grinned it him "and yes, being a girl is fucking crazy, I'll give you that. But I've been able to do this since I was like I don't know.. 12? I learned how to French braid my own hair, but I can't do it to anyone else."
I popped my sunglasses on my head and grabbed a tote bag, I threw my sunscreen and tattoo stick in it and bounced down the stairs, Austin following me.

"You are too cute Sara.. and little daisies on there too. Don't think I didn't notice." He smirked.

"I bought this before you got me daisies. Divine intervention..." I laughed. I walked to the kitchen as Austin grabbed us some towels from the bathroom. He walked up behind me as I was filling our little cooler bag with beer and water bottles. He put his hands on my hips and kissed my neck.

"I can't get over how lucky I am baby, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen..." he groaned slightly as he pulled me into him.

"Easy tiger.." I giggled. "I thought you wanted to go to the beach.."

"Oh I do, I just can't resist having you close to me and telling you just how gorgeous you are..." he kissed my neck again and pulled away. I turned around and looked in his crystal blue eyes, kissing his perfect pink lips.

"I'm pretty lucky myself, my handsome man... my extremely talented and sexy handsome man." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and standing on my tip toes kissing the words under each eye. He turned pink under my lips, grinning a shy smile. "You are so cute when you get shy Mr. Post..." I dropped my arms and grabbed our bags.

"It makes me shy when it comes from you sweetheart.. I'm way outta my league with you..." he said as he grabbed the towels.

"That's laughable Austin, no way am I out of your league.. Oh shit!" I realized suddenly. "Wait! I'm not going out there wearing this!" I reached up and touched my necklace.  Austin put the towels down on the table, motioning for me to come to him. I walked over and he took the chain from around my neck and laid it gently on the table.

Maybe There's No Mistakes..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ