•twenty eight•

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"So who all am I meeting again at this dinner and what the actual occasion? Or do we just have fancy ass dinners for fun?" I giggled as we stepped into the elevator, Austin's hand never leaving the small of my back, his fingers rubbing constant circles, like he couldn't stop touching me.

"Cheryl my agent, then Lou and Ben my producers, oh and I forgot Marine, Jay's wife flew out to meet us today too. Let me see... she will probably have a friend with her, nothing major. She has a few close friends that are like family with us as well that come out with her most times. They are all really great, not snobby or bitchy I swear."

"Austin!" I said scolding him..

"I didn't mean it like that.." he chuckled. "I was just being honest..." he smirked as I laughed at him.

"No special occasion either, unless if forgot someone's birthday." He laughed. "We just like to all get together for a good dinner and drinks a couple times every tour. The head chef here is a friend of Cheryl's and she insists that this is one of the dinners we have every time we hit Phoenix. The food is absolutely amazing. I can't lie about that...plus it's kinda fun to get dressed up and act like idiots with all these fools. We always seem incredibly out of place and it's the best."

The elevator doors opened to a fancy but quiet lobby, Austin ushering me to the bar area on the opposite side of the large room. As we walked in his words rang true and we both started laughing. The entire team was standing around an overwhelmed looking bartender as she watched them all, in designer dresses and sharp suits, take double shots of Fireball like frat bros. Everyone slamming their glasses on the bar almost in unison. I couldn't help but bust out laughing at the sight of them all. Austin was laughing to "See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. At least they weren't all shotgunning bud lights when we walked in." He whispered to me as we both broke out in a fit of laughter.

"What's so damn funny Aust?" A shorter man with dark features and a short dark beard walked up to Austin and gave him a hug and a slap on the back. "You guys Lou, just proving my point... Lou this is Sara, Sara, this is Louis Bell. One of the most talented and beautiful humans that ever walked this earth. My music would be shit without him."

"Give yourself some credit Austin..." he said rolling his eyes at him. He reached out and took my hand, giving it a shake and cupping it with his other hand. "It's awesome to meet you Sara, I've heard a lot about you from this guy here and this whole group. You are definitely well loved around here, no one can seem to find anything but wonderful things to say about you. You also look absolutely stunning tonight ma'm...you let me know if you ever need help keeping this shithead in line."

"Nice to meet you Louis. It's an honor, honestly. And I'm pretty tough, I think I can take this old man on if he needs his ass handed to him.." I grinned as Austin laughed and pulled me closer to him with a kiss to my temple.

"Y'all always busting my balls for something, damn!" Austin laughed as he handed me a Fireball shot that had been passed to us both. We clinked our tiny glasses together and threw back the shot everyone cheering in response. We both laughed.

"Now we can officially get this party started right? Come on, ladies first.." Jay boomed over the laughter. He slid his arm around a drop dead gorgeous woman in a shimmery navy blue dress, I assumed this was Marine.

Austin pulled his arm from my waist and motioned for me to join the rest of the girls as we walked towards a large set of doors leading into what looked like a private dining area. Kenna immediately grabbed my arm, linking hers through mine. She had on a simple black silk slip dress and red heels. She looked damn amazing, and I told her as much.

"Girl don't even. Look at you, looking like a fucking model coming in here on Austin's arm. Hell Tia gave Smitty the shit eye because he was looking you over so hard. You look killer girl. This dress..... I don't even want to know how much he spent on you. I'm jealous." Kenna laughed as I rolled my eyes at her.

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