•twenty five•

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A/N: Super long chapter after hitting some major writers block for this one. I have a lot of ideas for later in this story thankfully but I struggled through this one for a few days before I got in a groove and went way longer than intended. Hope that's ok with y'all lol

I bounced down the steps towards Tia and Kenna and grabbed my drink from them, needing the alcohol in my system as quickly as possible. This entire situation had completely ruined my incredible mood from this morning and I needed to remedy that immediately. I had been floating on a cloud for days and I was determined to not let Dre pull me off that damn cloud.

The show was fucking amazing. Austin was so high energy, the crowd was feeding off him and it felt like the entire arena was shaking from the insane party Austin was throwing on that stage. His voice was so strong and sounded better than I had ever heard him. I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with pride for him.

The three of us danced and sang, Austin coming over to us throughout the show and throwing me a wink or a smile. At one point I saw him motion to Adam and point at us, and Adam just laughed and started taking photos of us acting a fool singing and dancing to Wow. 

Suddenly the music changed, the lights went low and we heard Austin over the mic say "I gotta take a Bud Light break..."

The crowd immediately lost their collective shit as Your's Truly started playing and I felt my entire body start to flush. The lights came back up and Austin was directly in front of me with the biggest grin on his face looking directly at me as he started singing...

"I just came down from the high of my life
I just, I just came down from the high of my life
See us poppin' champagne, we can do it all night
And if anything gone bad, we gonna make it all right.."

I started laughing as he swayed back and forth in front of me pointing at me with his cup. He gave me the biggest smile and had to stifle his own laughter as the verse started and he broke his stare with me as he crossed the stage.

Kenna hit me with her shoulder and I turned around to see her grinning at me like crazy. "What is THAT all about? He hasn't played this in FOREVER!" She yelled in my ear.

"It's.. just a thing...." I laughed, I could feel my face turning as red as the cup I was drinking from as I turned to her.

"Girl I don't know if I even want to know seeing how red your face AND his is right now.." she elbowed me and pointed up the the stage, Austin was back in front of us, looking over us into the crowd and I could see the pink flush in his cheeks. He crouched down in front of us, slapping the stage with his hand..

"It's you and I, go and call your friends
Let's get a light like kerosene
You gon' ride that bump-and-grind
Yeah, let me see that double-time
You ain't gotta tell them hoes because they know, yeah"

The crowd behind us was going nuts, I just looked at him and took a sip of my drink and shook my head, smiling at him with a coy grin. He winked at me, shook his head and ran to the other side of the stage.

"Girl if he keeps doing shit like this, the fans are gonna want to keep you around forever..." Tia yelled at me as we all three started laughing and she flagged down Smitty to bring us more drinks.

The rest of the show was incredible and I couldn't get enough of him. This was only the 3rd time I had been here but this was by far the best show he had done as far as I was concerned. By the compliments Ken and Tia were giving him I wasn't the only one thinking the same thing.

Jason, the guitar tech brought Austin's mic stand and guitar out and I gave a content sigh. It gave me goosebumps.

He went to sit, lit a cigarette and took a drink of his beer. Looking out over the crowd, the house lights were off and there were thousands of phones lighting up the amphitheater like fireflies. His smile lit up his eyes...

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